THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS -- "High Horses and Low Blows" 1405 -- Pictured: Garcelle Beauvais -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/Bravo)
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap for 12/17/2024
-Dorit’s son is soooo cute!
-Jennifer giving her doll Tiffany a glass of wine is….not what I had on my bingo card. At all. The doll also has more expensive clothes than I do.
-Kyle feeling lost throwing her party is understandable. She spent so many years being a ‘we’ that she doesn’t know how to be a ‘me.’
-Dorit saying she made water was funnier than it should have been.
-Erika and Dorit are bonding over their divorces while still talking about the Sutton and Kyle debacle from the trip.
-The grandfather clocks going off in Jennifer’s house reminds me of the identity theft episode of Psych when Shawn and Gus had to interview one of the victims.
-I am so happy that Garcelle was able to get her beach house built. I cannot wait to see it.
-It is so sweet how Avi and Sutton are helping Garcelle move things into the house…with Sutton dressed as Rosie the Riveter.
-Number one rule of moving: Always have a Birkin.
-It is amazing how Garcelle worked so hard to get this house built on her own and so sweet to see how proud Sutton is of her.
-I love how Sutton and Garcelle are gossiping about Dorit and PK and Avi is lounging on the couch drinking and scrolling through (probably) Reddit or Instagram with no effs to give.
-Seeing how much Erika has grown since her divorce and moving into her new house is such an amazing transformation. I am so proud of her. However, she needs to stop picking on Sutton. The two of them are more alike than they realize.
I really like Erika’s therapist. She calls her out, but still helps her improve herself and find ways to continue to do so.
-Camille and Kyle always seem so awkward together.
-I love the idea of Boz having her daughter pick a destination to travel to and then present the idea. It is even cooler that her daughter wants to visit every continent by the time she is 18.
-Garcelle is getting a tattoo at Kyle’s party. I never thought Kyle would have a party where people would get tattoos, but here we are.
-I’m on the fence about PK and Kyle talking. I get Garcelle’s point about it being weird, but if they were already friends, why ruin the friendship?
-Boz always tells it like it is with the group dynamics. They can never make me hate you, girl.
-Sutton is finally pointing out that the girls are talking behind each other’s backs….only to have it thrown in her face by Erika.
-Sutton getting sassy by talking in a sarcastic soft voice is so perfect. Love her!
-Sutton can win the Nobel Peace Prize and these women would attach her for something. Sheesh.
-Dorit is acting so rude and high school right now. I was rooting for you, girl, but this is not it!
-Sutton is trying to explain things, but Dorit isn’t listening. I know she isn’t in a good place right now, but she has no right to be rude.
-This Camille and Dorit fight makes no sense. I think Camille is trying to tell her that she wasn’t nice when she was going through stuff, but Dorit doesn’t want to hear ir.
-If I took a shot every time the C word was used, I’d have to call out of work tomorrow because I’d be dead.
-Dorit is just yelling at everyone tonight, she seems like she is crashing and burning. I feel so bad for her, but she cannot treat people like this.
-More next week, stay tuned.