THE REAL HOUSEWIVES ULTIMATE GIRLS TRIP -- Pictured: "The Real Housewives Ultimate girls Trip" Key Art -- (Photo by: Peacock)
ICYMI: The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Episode 5 Snark and Highlights
- Easy access or no, Kyle’s dress is gorgeous.
- I feel so bad for the guys cleaning up after the party.
- I am with Kyle, I don’t understand the attire question either.
- A rich bitch yacht trip is exactly what I need now.
- God is my bartender…..that made me laugh way more than it should have.
- I am actually glad Cynthia said something about talking over each other. It is rude and they should learn how to be more respectful.
- ‘My little assistant’ sounds so condescending.
- This shade game (who said that?) is going to end in disaster.
- Wow..l.it didn’t take long for a fight to break out.
- Ramona cuddling on Kyle after insulting Kenya was….weird.
- I would rather be called a bitch than a peasant.
- The group is divided now….but it looks like Ramona will soon stand alone.
- Wait, so Ramona is jealous of LuAnn’s sexuality? Then why was she taking things out on Kenya.
- LuAnn has every right to be pissed at Ramona for how she is being treated.
- Why did they bring so many swimsuits on a day trip?
- Ramona is in time out for not behaving. This should be a thing whenever people are bad on other shows in the franchise.
- That TikTok was……something else.
- Teresa’s food looks amazing…..but was the sultry music as Ramona ate really necessary?
- Cooking with a glass of wine is the way to go when people in the house are driving me crazy.
- I kind of agree with Ramona wanting to cancel her appointment when the makeup person showed up an hour late. However, it was not right to ruin it for Cynthia.
- It was rude to tell LuAnn she needs a backbone. Comments like that are triggering and insulting.
- I am on Cynthia’s side with this glam issue, but why, oh, WHY do they bring stuff up at the dinner table?
- LuAnn has every right to be upset and I like how she handles things. Sometimes you just need to let things go.
- I grew up like Teresa….you had to wait to everyone was done eating and ask to be excused before leaving the table. Everyone storming off is just rude.
- Who is that random dude Ramona was complaining to at the end?
More next week, stay tuned.
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