THE BACHELORETTE - “2108” - Jenn and her final three men arrive in Hawaii for a week of dates across land, sea and sky. Amid the pressure of looming overnight dates, some men grapple with fears of commitment and rejection, leading them to question their futures with Jenn. MONDAY, AUG. 26 (8:00-10:01 p.m. EDT) on ABC. (DISNEY/John Fleenor) JENN TRAN
The Bachelorette Recap for 8/26/2024
-Tonight is Fantasy Suite Night on ABC’s The Bachelorette. Jenn Tran and her final three suitors (Devin, Marcus and Jonathon) will go to Hawaii to enjoy some special dates that include time in the Fantasy Suites….all alone with no cameras.
-The episode opens with Devin having a heart to heart with Jesse Palmer about how he feels unloved and is scared about the process. We then see him go to Jenn’s room….only to cut to the first date.
-Everyone arrives to Hawaii as Jenn looks back on her time with each guy. She also talks to Molly Resnick about the experience. Molly has been married to Jason Mesnick for fifteen years and met him on the show. She gives Jenn some advice and what to expect from the Fantasy Suite dates. She also gives her thoughts on each guy as Jenn gives updates on her progress with them.
-Devin is also having a golfing outing with Jesse because….sure? They do seem to have a nice relationship though, which is sweet.
Devin has the first overnight date. They tour Hawaii via helicopter and land next to a beautiful waterfall where they kiss and enjoy champagne. The two of them talk about their lives, falling in love and how she is helping him receive the kind of love he knows he deserves. He declares his love while she says she is on her way there. They seal the deal with a kiss as he tells her that he is worth the wait.
That being said, he says in his confessional that he wants to hear that L word.
The two of them enjoy more time on the beach and kiss.
At dinner, they continue to open up about their feelings and how much they mean to each other.
The two of them are presented with the Fantasy Suite card and decide to spend the night together. We see them toast to each other with champagne and then kiss….before the camera cuts away.
They wake up together the next morning and enjoy some cuddle time and mimosas. Devin is happy but nervous because this moment cannot last forever.
Jonathon has the second date of the week. He is excited to get deeper with her. They go exploring, eat and enjoy each other’s company. They also end up at a waterfall, where they enjoy a champagne picnic and more talk about where their relationship is heading and their feelings for one another.
The two of them enjoy more time together that night, where they delve deeper into their lives and pasts. No food though? Jenn talks about wanting to fit in and feeling as if she had to hide parts of herself in the past. She says she wants to help her future children be able to celebrate themselves.
He talks about his own life as a biracial child and how he wants his own children to feel as confident as hell and love themselves.
Jonathon says this is all getting real, and he didn’t expect to feel the way he does in this moment.
Jenn presents him with the Fantasy Suite card, and they go to spend the night together.
The next morning, they cuddle in bed, and he reflects on how they were able to really talk and open up to one another. They enjoy champagne together by the waterfall.
Devin is worried about being an option and worries about Jenn not returning his feelings.
Marcus also has a golfing outing with Jesse while he lets his feelings out. He is scared about what’s to come, so Jesse helps him feel better and helps him see that he is a wonderful, worthy person. Despite this, he isn’t sure what to do.
Date 3:
Devin gets the final date of the week. They enjoy a boat ride together where they tour the island, cuddle and kiss. They also talk about….getting spam emails about winning trips to Hawaii?
Marcus continues to worry about his inner conflicts via his confessionals.
Jenn wants to be a mermaid.
They go snorkeling after having some small talk moments. He seems nervous to open up to her, while she happily enjoys time with him.
At dinner, the two of them open up to one another and he is finally able to share his fears, feelings and past. It is actually a very moving, beautiful speech where he bares his entire soul to her. He begins to cry and apologizes. She tells him he has nothing to be sorry for and says there are many layers to being in love….and she would be lying if she didn’t tell him she was falling in love with him.
The two of them sit and cry together as he continues to share his feelings.
Jenn presents him with the Fantasy Suite card. They go to the room and enjoy champagne in bed. They continue the canoodling the next morning, along with breakfast in bed before it is time to say goodbye.
Jenn has hope for them, but hopes they are on the same page.
Devin talks to Jesse about the Fantasy Suite date and how he never got to ask Jenn if she loved him as much as he loves her. He admits to chickening out. He is glad she can see a future with him, but still feels as if they are in different places in the relationship.
Jesse comforts him as he cries and wonders how Jenn truly feels. He tells him to hang on and see how she feels.
Devin goes to talk to Jenn and we have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens and to see the Men Tell All. Stay tuned!