The Bachelorette Snark and Highlights for 7/31/2023

The Bachelorette Snark and Highlights for 7/31/2023

The Bachelorette Snark and Highlights for 7/31/2023

-Hometown Date Week!

-Charity is in Houston with Aaron. Before they meet the family, he takes her to a park to talk. They discuss his family and go to his house, where his parents, brother and sister-in-law.

-As soon as she arrives, she is greeted with hugs and lots of food. Chili, chicken, salads….can I score an invite to the Bryant home, please?

-I am very impressed with Charity calling Aaron’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Bryant.

-Aaron talks to his brother Erick, while Charity has a heart to heart with his mom. Interestingly, she is very honest when she is asked how she would respond if Aaron were to propose, saying she wants to be sure she is ready to only say yes once. I think Mrs. Bryant appreciated that.

-After some more family bonding, Aaron and Charity make out on the football field because of course they do.

-Joey takes Charity for a tennis lesson in PA with his Uncle Joe. After Uncle Joe leaves, the two of them make out and prepare to see his family.

-Joey’s family consists of his parents, sisters, brother-in-law and of course Uncle Joe. Joey talks to his parents while Charity bonds with his sisters.

-Later on, Uncle Joe talks to Joey about being a people pleaser and asks Charity if she thinks she is getting the real Joey. I get what he is doing, but it comes across so poorly. Charity is rightfully concerned.

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-Xavier has the next date in Cleveland. They go to a knitting circle, which is so cute. It reminds me of the ones my mom went to when I was a kid.

-I have to say that this is one of the cutest dates ever.

-The two of them meet his parents and he seems very nervous. He is thrilled to see his family and they all bond with Charity right away.

-Xavier’s parents talk to them and give advice on how to do things and make it clear that they want what is best for the both of them.

-Dotun is in Fresno waiting for Charity. His parents are in Nigeria, so Charity meets Dotun’s grandma and siblings.

-As an aside, I love Dotun’s grandma….she is a hoot!

-Dotun’s parents come as a surprise!!!!

-The family is so sweet and fun.  I so wish I could marry into a family like this.

-The drive-in movie montage with their growing up and relationship pictures made me tear up.

-After Charity talks to Jesse about her Hometown Dates, she prepares for the Rose Ceremony.

-As an aside, I feel like we get very little from Hometowns anymore. Remember when we had the dancing, the bird funerals and actual long segments with the families? It feels so rushed now.

Rose Ceremony!

-Dotun: One with the awesome family.

-Xavier: Dude who took her on the cool knitting date.

-Joey: Tennis dude whose uncle confused everyone.



-Aaron: Sorry, A-A-Ron….you seemed like a cool dude. Charity talks to him as they both cry.

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