BIG BROTHER Thursday October 5, (9:00 – 10:00 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Jag Bains and Matt Klotz. Photo: CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.
Big Brother 25 Recap for 10/8/2023
This week on CBS’s Big Brother 25! The final nine toast to being in the jury no matter what the outcome. Bowie admits she accidentally won HOH by writing down a random answer for her tiebreaker. However, she is thrilled to be in power because of Mecole’s post-eviction actions.
Cory is upset he keeps losing comps and throws a tantrum. Felicia is determined to get her power back after surviving the block three times. Cameron and America are thrilled Bowie is in power and think their alliance will keep them safe.
Jag admits he was behind Cameron switching his eviction vote in order to mess with Cory and make him the fall guy.
Cirie plans to butter Bowie up so she remains off the block…despite the fact that they have not been getting along since the Red eviction.
Bowie admits she is working with everyone and Cory and America and Jag and Matt think they have final three plans with her….little do they know that she is onto their games and is playing one of her own.
Blue and Cirie bond and plan on targeting Cory and America if either of them become HOH next week.
Cory tells America that he wants to finalize the final three plan with Bowie. We also learn that Cameron wants to target him (according to Matt) so he is hoping that they can backdoor Cameron.
Cory thinks that Blue and Cameron need to go next. America agrees and they try to convince Jag and Matt to agree. He also thinks that they should go on the block, but the guys think that Bowie might not want to make a move like this….Matt also admits that he thinks this is a terrible plan.
Felicia, Cirie and Blue discuss getting rid of Cory and America, whom they deem to be huge threats. They stop talking when Bowie enters the room.
Later on, Jag and Matt join the conversation with Felicia, Blue and Cirie. They discuss getting rid of Cory, but Jag wants to keep him around for his own game.
Cameron also talks to Matt, who wants to get rid of Cory. Matt isn’t sure and wants to talk to Jag about what would be best for them.
Cameron and Felicia bond over their military experience. Felicia also talks about how she joined the Air Force after leaving an abusive relationship.
Jag and Matt finally decide that it is best to get rid of Cameron. They then talk to Bowie, who wants to get rid of Felicia and Cirie since she thinks they are huge threats. She tells them she won’t put Cameron up since he kept her safe when he was HOH.
Bowie goes around the house getting everyone’s opinion on what she should do. She wants to put up Felicia and Cirie, but the majority want Cory and America on the block. Cory wants Cameron and Blue on the block.
In the end, she puts up Cirie and Felicia…saying when in doubt, blame Cory.
More Tuesday, stay tuned!