Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: A New Week Begins

Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: A New Week Begins

Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: A New Week Begins


Thank you, as always to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for making these recaps possible.
  • The swimsuit photoshoot takes place. I always thought it happened pre-season, but okay.
  • Red, Izzy, Hisam and Cirie are in an alliance. Izzy doesn’t trust Blue.
  • Cirie and Hisam want to get rid of Cory since they think he is a threat.
  • Izzy tells Jared she is making a fake final two deal with Mecole.
  • Cirie and Cory have a long talk about the goings on in the house.
  • Mecole and Felicia discuss the alliance with Reilly, Jag and Cameron. They decide they want Luke on their side.
  • Cory promises to tell Reilly if he finds out about people turning against her. Cirie tells her she is safe if she, Felicia or Izzy win HOH.
  • Kirsten feels upset knowing she is a target and talks to Izzy about it. She also campaigns to stay in the house.
  • Bowie, Hisam and Reilly think Luke should be the next target.
  • Luke tells Jared he feels lonely in the house, so Jared tells him to talk to the older houseguests.
  • Hisam tells Reilly the POV will not be used.
  • Blue vows to protect her alliance.
  • Hisam and Izzy bond. He tells her about the alliance with Reilly, Jag, Jared, Blue, Cameron, Matt and Cory. They agree that they don’t like Cameron.
  • Matt and Hisam bond over hearing loss.
  • Izzy and Luke agree to work together, but she wants to keep it on the downlow. However, she tells Cirie and Felicia.
  • Cory is being made fun of behind his back…..and ignored by Hisam.
  • Red tells Reilly he wants to work with her, Cory, Jag, Jared and Matt.
  • Cory and Luke seem to be the biggest targets in the house.
  • Bowie, Cirie, Felicia, Hisam, Izzy, Mecole and Red form The Professors alliance.
  • Reilly is upset Hisam found out about the alliance.
  • Cameron and Red decide to work together.
  • Cameron also wants an alliance with Blue and Matt.
  • Reilly considers backdooring Izzy.
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  • Cirie, Felicia, Mecole and Jared have an alliance called Brown Sugar Babes.
  • Luke is shocked there is so much gameplay so soon. He bonds with Izzy and Cirie, who offer to work with him.
  • Luke also talks gameplay with Felicia, who offers him some advice on how to improve his game. She also warns him that they are being used by others to infiltrate information.
  • He also wonders if Kirsten is going to be used to do people’s dirty work.
  • America is suspicious of the Five alliance, thanks to Reilly mentioning in front of her.
  • Cirie fills Bowie in on the Luke situation. She also discusses it with Mecole.
  • Cory is worried about his place in the house and discusses it with Jared, who tells him to talk to Izzy and Cirie later.
  • Kirsten talks about America about her gameplay and her worries about going home. She also wants to get to know people better.
  • POV ceremony happens. No word yet on what went down.
  • Hisam and Jared think Reilly is the ringleader of her alliance.
  • Cameron talks to Izzy about his worries. He wants to work together with people he trusts, but she isn’t sure he can be trusted.
  • Izzy reports on her conversation with Cameron to Cirie and Felicia.
  • The HNs consider making their own alliance.
  • Luke and Cory discuss future gameplay and wonder about the big alliance.
  • Luke is suspicious of Cory.
  • Luke and Red discuss the alliances and how things are getting sloppy.
  • Cory tells Izzy Luke is ‘spiraling.’
  • Jared says he feels a connection Cirie in front of others….possibly to throw them off?
  • More gameplay talk. Several people think America is a spy because she is always listening in on conversations. Matt and Luke think the game will pick up speed soon.
  • Izzy wants to talk to Reilly about the POV comp being thrown. Bowie and Cirie give her conflicting advice on how to handle the situation.
  • Luke annoys Jag and Reilly.
  • Izzy and Reilly bond and agree to be HNs next week. However, Reilly wants to put her and Hisam on the block next week.
  • Luke says he will be there for Cirie and Izzy. Cirie feels the same, but Izzy isn’t sure.
  • Izzy talks trash about Reilly to Cirie.
  • Gameplay continues.
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More tomorrow, stay tuned.

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