THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF SALT LAKE CITY -- Pictured: "The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" Key Art -- (Photo by: Bravo)
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Finale Snark and Highlights for 1/11/2023
- How is this season finale already? I feel like this season went by so fast and nothing was resolved.
- What did happen to the choir anyway? Was that a dropped storyline or something made up so Jen can scream about Angie H and her Elf on the Shelf husband?
- Oh wait…..this book launch is also a choir launch party.
- Wait…..so Heather WANTS a fight at her book party? Why?
- Heather, honey, sweetheart, darling…..YOU are the one who treated Whitney like trash and gaslit her to kingdom come every time she called you out. Yet, she is still here supporting her. Please take several seats.
- JEN PUNCHED HEATHER IN THE EYE IS THAT THE RUMOR NOW? They also had an affair? I am so confused.
- Barbie scissor kicks is going to live rent free in my mind from now on.
- Um…..this whole speculation about Heather and Jen is not at all what I expected to hear at all…..and the hand/arm demonstrations from Lisa and Angie K were also very unexpected.
- Jen’s jumpsuit is GORGEOUS!
- Coach Shah is way nicer than I would have been when it came to accepting that fake ass apology. Elf on the Shelf Dude (what is his name?) and Angie H didn’t even apologize, it was a bunch of excuses that made it SEEM that they were sorry.
- Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson would have given a ‘no from me, dawg’ to that choir. My cats are meowing for my attention now and sound better.
- Jen singing her Amazing Grace parody was probably one of the most epic moments of this franchise.
- Heather taking off her choir robe for her book reveal made me laugh way more than it should have.
- Hold up…..now Angie K gave Heather the black eye? This episode is confusing me.
- Okay, I know Jen is problematic AF and did a lot of nasty and horrible things, but I am on her side when it comes to the whole thing with Angie K. You NEVER EVER EVER EVER question someone’s mental health, especially when they were suicidal.
- Heather hopes her family will read her book, she practices with her choir regularly and gives Jen amazing grace.
- Lisa’s businesses are doing better than ever and going on college tours with Jack. No Jazz games though.
- Whitney is setting boundaries everywhere except the bedroom. Bad Weather hasn’t reunited.
- Meredith is trying to bring more awareness to mental health. She is too busy taking bubble baths to reconcile with Lisa.
- Jen talking to her mom about the trial is breaking my heart….her mom seems like such a wonderful lady.
- I never expected Jen to ask Heather to look after her family if she was found guilty/went to jail.
- Meredith and Heather are in NYC with Jen and Coach? That is very sweet.
- Two days before the trial….Seth, Meredith and Heather just get sloshed since they aren’t able to be with Jen and Coach at that moment.
- The concern and love Meredith and Heather have for Jen seems so genuine….but Seth questioning Jen’s innocence might make them think about things differently.
- So….Heather is still ride or die for Jen no matter what, but Meredith will question her if she is guilty and not taking accountability.
- Jen says Stuart played her and it is his fault she is in this mess. Heather is confused because he got her tampons….so he MUST be innocent. So….dudes who buy tampons for women must always be innocent?
- Seeing Heather and Lisa talk about Jen’s situation is actually heartbreaking.
- This was so intense and I cannot WAIT for the reunion next week! Stay tuned!
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