THE BACHELORETTE - “Finale and After the Final Rose” - It’s a crucial final week in Hawaii as Jenn introduces two men to her family. A live studio audience watches along as Jesse Palmer sits down with Jenn and her final two men to watch the shocking conclusion of her journey unfold. TUESDAY, SEPT. 3 (8:00-11:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC. (Disney/John Fleenor) JENN TRAN
The Bachelorette Finale for 9/3/2024
-They are making this finale look so dramatic…..yet the big OMG reveal will something boring. Unless it is revealed that some Men in Black stuff is happening (she erases the memory of the dude she doesn’t choose, or someone is an alien/she is a Woman in Black fighting crime) I honestly don’t see how this ending can be the most dramatic ever with something we never saw before.
-Jenn’s mom is so adorable. I am living for this family reunion….everyone looks so sweet and the love between everyone makes me smile.
-Jenn’s pink dress is FIRE. I love it.
-Devin gets the first Meet the Family meeting. He talks to her mom, brother and aunt, assuring them that he does love Jenn and says that it will 100% kill him if he isn’t the one. Her mom and aunt seem to have a lot of questions for him and how he feels, so he does his best to make sure and let them know he is 100% in and there for Jenn.
-Despite this, Jenn’s mom thinks she needs more time to make a decision, leaving Jenn more confused than ever.
-The fact that Jonathon and Jeremy are there for moral support shows what an amazing person she is….they seem to still really think highly of her and want her to be happy.
-Jenn’s brother James isn’t sure about Devin and lets both Jenn and Devin know that he can’t give his blessing. It ends the meeting on kind of a sad note as Jenn and Devin say goodbye.
-Hakeem is in the house!
-Jenn’s family meets Marcus. He tells them about his life growing up, but James wants to hear more about his relationship with Jenn. He also isn’t sure Marcus and Jenn are on the same page. Marcus shares that he isn’t sure about how he feels, but wants to get there…which leads to everyone questioning if their relationship could truly work.
-Jenn, for her part, still thinks things can work out and tells her family this. James agrees to support her no matter what.
-Marcus and Jenn talk, but he is still confused about everything. She is upset since she isn’t getting answers from him.
-Jesse talks to James and asks him how he feels. He is unhappy. Jesse thinks this means something happened. Dun, dun DUN!
-Jenn and Devin go on their last chance date. They do a Hawaiian healing ceremony, which looks pretty cool and interesting, actually. They share things they want to let go of and that bother them, throwing things in the ocean as a symbolic way of letting go.
-They have a talk and make out before going to dinner and talking about the day. He also shares that she is the most important thing in his life and he knows things can end with him happy or in tears. He also gives her a special necklace he got her when they were on their one-on-one date in New Zealand. The shaman told him not to give it up until he was ready because it is a piece of him that he could never get back.
-The two of them make out and she feels as if he is ready to make a commitment. They kiss a bit more and say goodbye.
-Marcus talks to Jesse about meeting Jenn’s family. He shares his fears and says he is hoping for the best on this date. He says he cares about her deeply, so Jesse asks if he loves her or is he in love with her. Marcus is still confused about how he feels. It is more or lwhat we heard for the past couple of weeks.
-Jen goes to talk to Marcus because she wants answers from him about how he feels. She knocks on his hotel door and tells him that they need to talk.
-Jenn more or less wants to know where they stand and if he plans on proposing or if he even sees a future. He says he regrets not digging deeper, which makes her upset. He admits he is scared, and that he is struggling. She has no idea how to process this and he says he is trying to be honest with her about his struggles and feelings.
-Why does this scene….and episode for that matter feel like it is taking fifteen hours?
-They seem to be talking in circles and she is upset she wasted so much time on someone who cannot give her the answers she wants. She has no idea what to do at this point, saying she feels as if she is getting the same thing the has always gotten in relationships.
-Jenn excuses herself and when she gets back, he admits he is falling in love with her. However, he feels like he is not giving her what she needs. She thinks she gave too much and shares how this whole turn of events is upsetting for her. She is done waiting around and they end things.
-Both Jenn and Marcus are heartbroken about this turn of events.
-Jesse talks to Marcus about what happened. Marcus says this was the hardest thing he ever had to do and admits he still cares about Jenn. His biggest worry is that he let her down. As an aside, I wanted to use a 98 Degrees meme for this but can’t find one.
-Jenn talks to Marcus and says she owed him closure, but knew Devin was the one when he came to her room that night. The two of them talk things out and he says he loved her enough to get out of her way….even though it hurt.
-Neil Lane helps Devin pick out a ring. I almost wrote Neil Diamond and now I want an episode of the show where they all celebrate the music of Neil Diamond’s music.
-Jesse has a talk with Jenn, who admits she had one idea last night and woke up with a different idea. She says she is not going to let Devin propose, but she is going to propose to him to symbolize that she will choose him today and every day, Jesse asks is she will be okay with this and she says yes.
-Jesse says that we will NOT see the proposal…until we talk to Jenn. Something big happened that made TPTB decide it was inappropriate to air the proposal.
-Our girl is in tears. I just want to hug her.
-Holy crap, she is shaking. WTF did he DO to her?
-Jenn says this has been a hard few months. She says they left Hawaii happy and she thought she found her person. Poor girl cannot stop crying, I feel so bad for her. She says things felt different and he was pulling away and being inconsistent. Everything made her feel secondary and she had no idea why. He broke the engagement the night before they were supposed to meet up, saying he didn’t love her and that he regretted proposing. He also denied ever being in love with her. She tried being understanding, but he refused to even meet her halfway. She kept trying to make things work, but he refused.
-Jesse is shocked by all this, especially since Devin told him that he felt so passionately about her. Jenn is still so confused watching the show back.
-The two of them haven’t seen each other in a month and now they will see each other for the very first time.
-REALLY? Jenn feels bad enough already!
-Jenn wanted to talk about this off camera and says she understands that feelings can change, but she cannot understand how cruel he was by ending the engagement via phone call….and finding out he is following Maria on Instagram.
-He tries to explain but she will not let him talk…..calling him out like a BOSS! She is NOT letting him get away with anything….she is amazing for this!
-He admits that he failed her, but she then calls him out for going out clubbing with Jeremy.
-Okay, to be fair, he is allowed to go out with friends, even after a breakup. He is still being an ass, but he does have the right to go out with his friends. Does this mean Jenn is mad at Jeremy now too?
-Jenn calls him out for hiding his feelings and lying about where they stood in their relationship. He says it is hard to deny what she is saying, but claims he was honest with her….but was late in sharing it. WHAT? She keeps saying he cannot possibly know how she feels because he was halfway out the door while promoting the show and posting memes about Sam.
-He keeps trying to explain himself, but she keeps calling him out on every point and says he never fought for her. You tell him, girl!
-Devin keeps trying to explain things, but he is making more and more of an ass of himself. Jesse even tries to give him a chance to apologize and make things right, but Devin keeps talking in circles and being a jerk.
-Jesse says she may not have gotten the love story she wanted, but she is a powerful, strong woman who made history with her proposal. YAS QUEEN!
-Okay, so the proposal was beautiful, but it was in VERY poor taste to show it.
-Jesse reminds her of how powerful she is and she tells him while Devin is no longer that man she proposed to, she is still that same woman she was the day of the proposal.
-Devin thinks the story is so different than what they are seeing and please STFU already!
-Jenn hopes that Devin learns that words matter and how to keep promises.
-Golden Bachelorette preview with Kelsey being like, meet my daddy! If Mark doesn’t win, can he be the new Golden Bachelor?
-Golden Bachelorette in two weeks, stay tuned!
-Also, did anyone kind of hope Jonathon and Jenn would have something at the end?