Snake Oil Recap for 11/8/2023

Snake Oil Recap for 11/8/2023

Snake Oil Recap for 11/8/2023

-It’s Matthew and JB Smoove vs. Joleen and Kandi Burruss on this week’s Snake Oil on Fox!

-Matthew and JB decide to check out Food Crayon and TANgerine Tea. The f-ormer is crayons that add flavor to food and the latter is a tea that gives people a tan.

-Matthew and JB invest $4,500 in Food Crayon and it is a REAL product!

-Joleen and Kandi look into Wingerz, which are finger gloves that keep hands clean while eating messy foods, and Forever Car, that allows you to make a replica of your car.

-The ladies invest $8,500 in Forever Car….with the guys having the option to poach Wingerz.

-Forever Car is SNAKE OIL!!! The guys did not poach.

-The ladies look into Sink Twice…..a sink/toilet combo and Anzen Safe Space, which allows people to have a safe space from unwelcome visitors.

-The guys look into Nate’s Twin Mutt Cuts, which allow people and dogs to have the same haircut, and My Perfect Goatee, which allows people to cut, you guessed it, the perfect goatee.

-The guys invest in Nate’s Twin Mutt Cuts, while the ladies invest in Sink Twice.

-Nate’s Twin Mutt Cuts is Snake Oil!

-Sink Twice is REAL, so the ladies head to the Snake Pit.

-The ladies check out five products and must decide if they are real or Snake Oil.

-Chop Fit is REAL!

-Cryptic Creature is REAL!

-Mattress Jack is REAL!

-Metadox is REAL!

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-Air Gordon is SNAKE OIL!

-Joleen goes home with $37,000.


-More next week, stay tuned!

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