BIG BROTHER Sunday, November 5, (8:00 – 9:00 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Taylor Hale. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Big Brother 25 Recap for 11/5/2023
On the last episode of Big Brother 25 on CBS, Bowie Jane won HOH. She now must choose who to put on the block….Felicia is the obvious choice, but she also must put one of her closest allies up since there is no other option.
Each of the nominees must choose a number between one and one hundred and the closest guess will be safe. Jag wins by guessing 73 and the actual number was 70. This was preplanned with thw two of them.
Felicia and Matt are on the block.
-The jury house sees Cirie arrive and are not happy with it. Cameron is thrilled that Jag kept his word, but everyone else is upset because it was Matt’s gameplay that got her in the jury. Despite all this, Cirie is still rooting for Matt.
Taylor Hale, who double won last year by winning the competition and America’s Favorite Player, gives an update on her life. She and Joseph broke up, but are still friends. She thinks getting rid of Riley was a good move, but getting rid of Hisam was the worst move. She gives the pros and cons of each player and their chances of winning based on gameplay.
Veto comp! The enter a scrambled timeline data center and must sort 12 event tiles in the order they took place. It is difficult for them all, but in the end, it is Jag who not only wins, but sets a record for most Veto wins in a single season.
Felicia tries to convince him to let her stay and get rid of Matt because he is the strongest player left in the game. In the end, he chooses to send Felicia to the jury.
Felicia tells Julie that Jag remained loyal to Matt and it cost her in the end. She thinks this might come to bite him since Matt is also a good player and will be hard to beat. She also admits that she talked too much and may have put her trust into the wrong people.
More Tuesday, stay tuned!