WILL TRENT - ABCÕs ÒWill TrentÓ stars Iantha Richardson as Faith Mitchell, Jake Mclaughlin as Michael Ormewood, Ramn Rodrguez as Will Trent, Erika Christensen as Angie Polaski, and Sonja Sohn as Amanda Wagner. (ABC/Art Streiber)
Will Trent Recap for 5/7/2024
-I know Angie and Will have some sort or trauma bond and she wants to help him through his night terrors, but for some reason, I am not buying them as a couple.
-Betty as a dog influencer was so not on my bingo card, but I love it.
-The flashbacks to 12-year-old Will are so powerful.
-Betty cuddling with Will is so sweet.
-Antonio and Will continue to bond. I just hope it doesn’t end badly.
-This dead camper case reminds me of the one from a few weeks ago with the Loch Ness Monster knockoff.
-Cases like the Lily Watkins case Will and the gang are working on always make me so sad. I am so grateful for podcasts like Where Are They and Detective Perspective that bring awareness to lesser-known cases like this.
-Lily was in jeans, which means she didn’t disappear during track practice….so did she disappear before or after practice? How does Derek Atkins figure into all this?
-I wonder if the camp murder and Lily’s murder are connected.
-Faith re-enacting a teen sneaking out was unexpected, but a good way to prove it could be something that could have led to her death.
-Did Will find cocaine in Lily’s room? Or did he remember finding it as a child when he saw the powder?
-I am beginning to think Derek is connected to both murders…..or he knows who did it.
-Maybe Ethan (son from the family Lily babysat for) is involved in the murder. They were friendly and maybe he had a thing for Lily and killed her out of jealousy. Or they were dating and he killed her after a fight?
-This combat question and answer session is so powerful. I wonder if these guys or the victim had PTSD?
-Will remembering that he hid the gun in his foster home to protect the kids….and the flashbacks gave me chills.
-Jack is obviously one of Will’s foster fathers who abused him. I assume there was a second gun he used to threaten Will.
-Ethan is no longer in the rehab due to a relapse. Upon looking through his things, Angie and Will discover a drawing of Lily and a tree picture almost identical to the one Lily had in her room.
-Michael met with a former fellow solider and found out one or more of the guys were lying….but I have no clue how this is connected to the murder.
-What the heck happened to poor Crystal?
-Michael goes to talk to the soldiers from the camp site and tells them the SWAT team is coming. I am so confused about the lies and why the SWAT team is involved.
-I hope Angie finds a way to take Crystal under her wing. Also, why is she in a hostel and not with her mom?
-At least Angie is letting Crystal stay with her for awhile.
-From what I gather, something happened while the guys were in combat, and this Wallace dude killed his friend over it. Michael wants him to turn himself in, but it leads to a fight….and then Wallace’s arrest.
-Ethan is found and being questioned in Lily’s murder. Apparently, he would watch her from the study where he would sleep while visiting his dad….his father’s study. He found Lily’s hair clip in his dad’s car and realized he killed her….which led to his downward spiral.
-As Will tries to piece things together, he also gets flashbacks to who shot Jack…..it was him to protect his foster mom.
-Antonio being there as Will comes to terms with shooting Jack made me cry so hard. Him remembering Anna dying and feeling guilty about it….holy crap, I am a mess.
-Earlier in the episode, Angie talked to someone from what I assume was a group home (It wasn’t very clear) named Joey. He needed a roommate and thanks to Angie, Crystal is that roommate.
-The dad of the family Lily babysat for killed her….I kind of thought so, but also kind of suspected Ethan for a bit.
-Faith, Amanda and Angie are such strong women…..it is one of my favorite things about this show.
-Amanda saying every victim matters is so powerful and true….we need to be reminded of this.
-Antonio being there for Will and taking him to Puerto Rico for a change of pace is sweet, but I home it doesn’t lead to something more sinister.
-Michael’s friend talking to Cooper and Max about their combat days….and how Michael saved him has me in another fit of tears.
-Will and Angie in the park with Betty as he reflects on his younger self’s actions makes me realize how strong their relationship is…no matter what happens with them, nothing can take that away from them.
-More next week, stay tuned!