February 6, 2025

Real Housewives of Potomac: Season 5 Episodes 1 to 9 Recap Aired From: August 2nd to September 27th, 2020


  • New cast member named Wendy Osefo joined the cast. She is a Nigerian born political commentator/analyst, philanthropist, and television personality. She is an also an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins School of Education.


  • The season begins with Giselle Bryant taking back the same man she has made a name off of trashing and defaming, Jamal Bryant; Her ex-husband and father of her three daughters.


  • Ashley Darby gives birth to her first child named Dean and becomes a full-time hands-on mother.


  • Michael and Ashley deal with cheating allegations again… The only problem is this time there is physical evidence of Michael’s infidelity.


  • Juan Dixon, Robyn’s ex-husband, asks castmate Giselle for her help with remarrying Robyn by getting her approval on a new proposal ring.


  • Candiace and Monique have a brewing feud stemming from off-air drama involving an old cast mate Charisse teaming up with current cast mates Giselle, Robyn, and Candiace in an attempt to ruin Monique’s marriage by attempting to create and perpetuate a rumor that her youngest son that she recently birthed, Chase, isn’t biologically her husband.


Real Housewives of Potomac: Episode Title: “Sorry… Not Sorry” Season 5 Episode 10 Recap

Aired: October 4th, 2020


  • This episode is two episodes post the physical altercation between Candiace Dillard Bassett and Monique Samuels. In reality this is relatively five days later.


  • The episode begins with Candiace dejectedly cleaning around her home while she is recollecting her version of what has transpired between herself and “Momo”, a nickname inspired and appointed to Monique by the cast over the years. This conversation occurred between her husband Christopher Bassett and herself.
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  • From her perspective Candiace truly doesn’t know (or want to admit) what she did to warrant what she deemed a “physical assault”. In my opinion, it was a fight! And not that greatest of one’s either. I’ve seen much more intense and gorier on Bad Girls Club with women barely over the legal drinking age. It was mutual combat between two aggressive parties. It just so happened one opponent got the best of the other… which happens sometimes, especially in fights.


  • Little does either of the ladies know or realize, that’s the problem! Lack of accountability aided greatly in this situation escalating more than it needed to on both ends.


  • Now it’s Momo’s turn! Monique discusses what she recollects of the fight with her husband Christopher Samuels, and she claims she doesn’t recollect what transpired besides slight bits and pieces (which was easily disproved by Bravo editors displaying a clip of Monique literally minutes after the altercation bragging while she described how she won the fight between the two). She believes the glass hitting her lip along with the wine being throw is what ignited the physical altercation.


  • During this conversation Monique contacts Karen in hopes of her being able to host a gathering of the ladies (excluding Candice) to not only piece together mentally what has transpired but to say her peace in hopes of moving forward.


  • The ladies gather at Karen’s home to discuss what happened as well as allow everyone the space to respectfully share their perspective.
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  • Giselle brings a personal security guard named KB for the first time to add to the narrative that Monique is aggressive and doesn’t belong among the woman.


  • Candiace visits Dr. Ken, her therapist, to discuss what happened with the fight. Once again, the lack of accountability keeps arising within conversation with Candiace as the therapist tries to get her to acknowledger her part in the deterioration of this friendship.


Real Housewives of Potomac: Episode Title: “Taxing Times & Blurry Lines” Season 5 Episode 11 Recap

Aired: October 11th, 2020

  • Karen invites Giselle and Ashley to her hometown’s High School homecoming in efforts to share more about herself and her personal life.


  • Giselle calls Juan to confirm that the ring that he picked out for Robyn meets her approval. Juan and Robyn are thinking of remarrying after their split in the past due to financial irresponsibility on Robyn’s behalf.


  • Ashley makes an eyebrow raising joke in regard to slipping a tracking device inside of her husband Michael’s “loose” anus (The joke was seemingly insinuating that Michael engages in anal play)


  • Robyn visits Candiace’s residence to discuss the meeting at Karen’s home.  She shares with Candiace how Monique admitted she isn’t remorseful, and they both seem to agree that legal action may be required. They also talk about Robyn being in over $90,000 in tax debt and Candiace makes light comical shade of the situation to lighten the mood.


  • Wendy meets with her biological older sister to discuss how she’s going to express to her mother her overwhelming lack of interest in her current careers, and that she has a profound desire to explore new interests.
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  • Candiace and her mother visit a dog shelter to search for a furry companion for Candiace while they discuss what has transpired with the fight. Her mother, like castmate Karen, encourages her to pursue legal action.


  • Monique and her husband meet with her Pastor and his wife to discuss her poor behavior. The Pastor is warm but blunt and stern with Monique about her wrongdoings in this ordeal. Monique begins to cry and admits that was excessive and that Candiace didn’t deserve that.
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