THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS -- Pictured: "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Key Art -- (Photo by: Bravo Media)
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Snark and Highlights for 6/8/2022
- Garcelle’s sister Chantal is so pretty and looks just like Garcelle.
- It is so sweet that Garcelle wants to buy the beach house to pass on to her children.
- Why would you go to a place if the kitchen is closing in fifteen minutes? Luckily, Erika and Dorit knew what they wanted to eat.
- The invitations to Paris’s wedding are gorgeous, but probably cost more than my college education…for all four degrees.
- So Crystal is never going to say what Sutton said that was so dark and won’t listen to Kyle when she said she is gaslighting Sutton.
- Farrah is engaged! YAY.
- Paris’s wedding looks like it was beautiful.
- Diana talking about her miscarriage is so heartbreaking.
- Sutton science projecting her drinks is hysterical.
- So apparently, Sutton talked to Crystal about a bunch of kids of different races playing together….and that is what Crystal finds dark? I am as confused as Garcelle.
- My heart breaks so much for Lisa. Lois was so wonderful and it was obvious that Lisa loved her with all her heart. RIP Lois.
- This tribute is beautiful.
- I am surprised Lisa went on a girl’s trip so soon, but maybe it will help her get her mind off things.
- Diana traveling is so…….something else. However, the girl knows what she wants.
- Everyone is dressed for this dinner as if they are going to different places….Lisa is red carpet ready, Kyle is tropical chic, Diana looks pajama comfy and everyone else looks dinner casual.
- UGH! Crystal needs to STOP with this stuff already.
- CRYSTAL! Kyle is just saying what she saw….and you won’t say what exactly hurt you, so how is she supposed to react?
- Garcelle is so loyal, but calls people out when needed. She is a real friend.
- More next week, stay tuned.
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