February 7, 2025
Author Spotlight: Meet Stewart Pearce

Author Spotlight: Meet Stewart Pearce

Tell me a bit about yourself and career

During the 1970’s I worked as an impassioned Actor, loving the words of Shakespeare and other great poetic writers of the Stage. Then in 1980 I made an organic change to Coaching Actors, which came about by being commissioned by Cicely Berry (Voice Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company) to coach Margaret Thatcher and a bevy of Actors. Baroness Thatcher had just taken over the role of the first female Prime Minister and she felt insecure about her voice. Having worked with Margaret other extraordinary commissions arrived and I began coaching other States People, Celebrities with a purpose, leading Actors and CEO’s who were movers and shakers. Whilst attending to these powerful people I also trained young hopefuls for the Stage being appointed as Head of Voice to a leading Conservatoire in London. In 1997 after Diana’s death I then became Master of Voice at the newly reconstructed open-air Shakespeare’s Globe Theater with Mark Rylance sponsoring my appointment.

How would you describe your book?

This book is a call to action for women everywhere for it begins and ends with love. The essence of this book urges the heart of each woman to awaken and rise up, to heal any breakage within, to commit to a flow of empathy as an opening impulse for the mighty voice of change. Indeed, it was Diana’s greatest desire that through her example each woman of the world would find their own authentic voice, fulfilling their unique purpose, and liberating love to transcend any enmity. Diana believed that wherever tyranny was it would be freed by grace, that wherever cruelty existed it would be freed by bravery, and that wherever the voice of oppression occurred it would be freed by the voice of kindness. In this, Diana was a trailblazer!

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What made you decide to focus on Princess Diana?

Diana and I talked about collating the work we had engaged in together, through all of the empowerment skills, for the women of the world. However, her caveat was “Let’s bring this to the attention of the world and when the boys are married!” As the women of the world rise in their empowered status at this time the book is zeitgeist. It is time to provide a symbolic figurehead and in this Diana was champion!

In what ways do you relate to her?

As an Empath the world often appeared to be a frightening place for me, and this is something I shared with Diana Princess of Wales. I was older than she by eight years and so had had a little more life experience, had developed a vocal craft and a methodology for empowering others, without being thrust into the public eye as vociferously as Diana had been by that strange twist of fate. We shared a love of freedom and a quest, through love, curiosity and heartfelt passion, for discovering the secrets of life, through which to determine a purpose for helping others. Diana’s love was consummate and in boundless ways she showed me how to continue loving even when the disappointments or betrayals occurred.

What were some challenges of writing the book?

The biggest challenge I found was when the book was written. In writing the book I felt a constant flow, as though Diana was directing the whole enterprise. But what came after producing the manuscript became challenging for my Literary Agent and I, because major Publishers turned the MS down as the book wasn’t of the ‘kiss and tell’ niche. It was almost as though the force within the patriarchy that didn’t want Diana to breathe freedom into fustian behavior held the book from publication, until now that is! The book is a dedication to Diana’s unique love, and so my writing does not include ridiculous disclosures, discredits, or hearsays that would trifle her life or provide expositions about her innermost secrets. Rather this is an account that addresses the very essence of who and what Diana was and is, it accesses her soul and the enormity of her love, so that we may comprehend her true significance, and heal the lamentation of her passing – a profound sadness that still scores the hearts and souls of many people. My wish is to reinterpret her glory, to take example from her unique experience, and so to help empower and inspire the women of the world.

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What are some of your favorite memories from working with Princess Diana?

Oh gosh! There are so many memories. Diana’s extraordinary laugh, her bubbling personality, the beauty of her tears, and the fun of racing down Kensington High Street, with Diana in full blonde wig and dark sunglasses (completely incognito) just in order to be free to see a movie in a theater with other non-cloying folk. Diana was always seeking ‘ordinary’ activities in order to feel grounded. When she arrived for a session she would often ask if she could ‘wash and dishes’ to simply feel earthed. In this she was completely immediate with a raw authenticity that was always startling. Diana was quick witted and huge fun to be with, for she would giggle so wonderfully about some of the pompous people she met, but without ever being derogatory or disparaging. It was so easy to love Diana, and of course her beauty, whether in full gown, jeans or work-out shorts was always breathtaking. Those eyes, I miss those eyes!

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

I’m wildly passionate about falling in love (or is it ‘rising in love’) and well-designed clothes……I guess I’m a sensual aesthete!

Anything else you want to share?

 The objective of my book is to illustrate how Diana became the radiant and uplifted being that she was. How by using her voice she discovered a richer life so that she could amplify her promise to augment world change. Indeed, through the exercises within the book I believe anybody could find a way of expanding their own voice just as Diana did. The result of which will move them into greater harmony, saturating their whole being with a confidence that would amplify life experience, bringing greater untold joy, and boundless RADIANCE!

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My heart’s desire for the book is that it enchants, uplifts, inspires, reassures, and genuinely aids the reader towards transcendence. Within this book there are many strategic ways of being, life enhancing meditations, shimmering affirmations, and relaxing processes that Diana directly experienced, and I believe she also wanted to gift the reader, to encourage a journey towards empowerment and enlightenment.


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