Mean Girl Murders Recap for Minnesota Vicious
-The season finale of Mean Girl Murders is titled Minnesota Vicious and takes place in Buffalo, Minnesota. It is an area with a small town feel and the typical high school cliques and mean girls.
-Cheyenne Clough was not part of the in crowd, but still got along with most people. She also was the one to stand up for people who were being bullied, all the while being bullied by the popular girls. Her friends remember that she would stand up for herself in those situations.
-Things began to change in 2012, when Cheyenne discovered she was pregnant at the age of fifteen. This caused even more bullying, so she posted about her pregnancy on social media to set everyone straight.
-Cheyenne and her mom raised her son together since she broke up with her baby’s father. Eventually, Cheyenne’s mother took on the role of primary caregiver for the baby while Cheyenne worked.
-Before long, Cheyenne was out on her own with two new roommates that became her closest friends. She also ends up with a new boyfriend named Devon Boyles, who had a troubled past that included, gangs, stolen cars and jail.
-Cheyenne’s friends were concerned, especially when she told them that Devon could be abusive. He also caused a lot of problems in the household, so the roommates made sure to keep a careful eye on her.
-Callie, one of Cheyenne’s roommates, would use dating apps to catfish men for their money. She wanted Cheyenne to help, but she refused, which caused the dynamic in the house to change. Callie spends more time with Natasha, who was the other roommate, would also end up in the middle of the drama.
-Cheyenne would spend more time with Devon, who would be around the house more often. This sent everyone over the edge.
-On June 1st, 2016, a young female was discovered in a park, barely alive. She is airlifted to the hospital and she is soon identified as Cheyenne. She was shot and clinging to life. There were no suspects, but both Devon and Darrian Edwards, a former boyfriend of Cheyenne’s were suspects.
-Devon was nowhere to be found, but it was later discovered that he was arrested by bounty hunters. Once found, he is questioned and released because he was able to prove that he was in jail at the time of the attack. Darrian was also cleared as a suspect.
-Devon tipped authorities off about Cheyenne’s roommates, making it clear that they could possibly be involved. The house is checked, but found empty and abandoned.
-The roommates are now suspects. Cheyenne’s friends remember how Natasha was especially nasty and made it clear that she was the queen bee of the house.
-Two days later, Natasha and her boyfriend Justin Jensen’s car is located. The two of them were with a dog and they are also with their friend Edward Zelko, who is the driver of the car. It doesn’t take long to figure out where they are going thanks to clues found by authorities.
-Three days later, Cheyenne was taken off life support and died.
– A search warrant is obtained and they head to International Falls, where Natasha, Callie, Edward and Shawn Benson are staying. They are arrested, but there is not enough evidence to prove they murdered Callie.
-Callie is questioned first and says that she last saw Cheyenne the night before she left for International Falls….the night Devon was arrested. She also claimed that there was a lot of fighting involving Cheyenne and Natasha.
-Natasha is questioned next and says that Devon was arrested and Cheyenne suspected that Natasha turned him in, ultimately causing the fight. Before long, everyone got involved and Shawn ended up shooting Cheyenne. She sold everyone out, with the three guys being charged and sent to prison. She and Callie were not charged.