Kids Baking Championship Recap for 2/13/2023

Kids Baking Championship Recap for 2/13/2023

Kids Baking Championship Recap for 2/13/2023

-We are at the final five! This season has gone so fast!


-Tonight’s challenge: Make a dessert with a unique flavor combination….but it cannot be cake. It must be completed in two and a half hours.



Alissa: Banana and grapefruit filled donuts styled like Boston cream donuts.

Sohan: A cream puff tower flavored with chocolate and tahini ganache.

Naiel: Strawberry tart with balsamic pastry cream.

Naho: Eclair with miso and maple pastry cream and glaze.

Genevieve: Lemon coffee tart.


-TWIST! They now must add black pepper to their desserts.


-Genevieve adds it to her dough, adjusting her recipe ever so slightly to make it work.


-Sohan adds the black pepper to his ganache.


-Alissa adds it to her grapefruit curd.


-Naho adds the pepper to her ganache and pastry puff.


-Naiel adds it to his pastry cream.



-Naiel’s curd scrambles, so he must fix it with limited time left. He makes a strawberry jam instead, saving his entire pastry. He also makes strawberry candies.


-Genevieve and Alissa helping each other is so sweet.


-Naho’s bonus cookies look delightful! I love those colored sugars on top of cookies.


-Poor Sohan runs into issues with his caramel, setting him behind and not knowing what to do since he is almost out of time. He manages to make it, but now must hurry to put his tower together.

See also  ICYMI: B Positive Recap for Recessive Gina


-I love how they all help each other….it is so sweet!


-Naho is getting SASSY today….I love it.




-Naho’s eclairs are ‘joyous’ and a perfect home run/triple axel/quad.


-Alissa’s donuts are a bit messy, but so delicious! The pepper flavor is there, but the grapefruit is lacking on Valerie’s.


-Sohan’s cream puff tower looks perfect and tastes just as good.


-Genevieve’s tart has a lot of pepper on it and lacks lemon flavor.


-Naiel’s tart has a slightly soft meringue, but tastes good, despite lacking the balsamic flavor.


-The winner of the challenge is NAHO!!! Sohan and Genevieve are also safe.


-Alissa and Naiel are in the bottom two, with Alissa going home.


-More next week, stay tuned!





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