February 8, 2025
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: About Last Night

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Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: About Last Night


Thank you, as always to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for making these recaps possible.

Thursday Night:

  • Felicia and Reilly think Kirsten is trying to stir the pot and overdoing it with her social game.
  • Izzy and Hisam agree to work together and hope Kirsten and Cory stay on the block. However, they think it will be Felicia and Jared remaining on the block.
  • Izzy and Hisam want Mecole in their alliance, especially since she also questions Kirsten’s behavior.
  • Kristen tells Reilly that she wants and all female final two and that the guys are in an alliance. The latter surprises Reilly.
  • More people begin to question Kirsten’s game play and antics.
  • Cory feels excluded from alliances.
  • Reilly wonders if anyone in the house will take her seriously because she thinks they assume she is nothing more than a dumb blonde.
  • Cory wants to talk to Reilly to ensure his safety. he also says he trusts Cirie more than anyone right now, despite opening up to Hisam.
  • Jared and Reilly vow to protect each other, as well as Cirie and Felicia. They debate on who else they want in their alliance, possibly settling on adding Izzy, but Reilly seems to want to protect Jag and Matt as well.
  • Kirsten continues to have people wonder if she can be trusted.
  • Jared and Reilly continue to try and put together their own version of The Cookout called The Reunion, all because this was a dream Reilly had.
  • More alliances form. Izzy and Cirie seem to be working together and want America and Blue to join. Red seems to be forming an all-male alliance, but Izzy tells people he cannot be trusted.
  • Jag and Reilly form an alliance.
  • The alliance formations continue with people making deals left and right.
  • Kirsten is the target to be evicted…..she senses something is off and questions Mecole about it.
See also  Beyond the Edge Premiere Quick-Cap

More later, stay tuned.

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