THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS -- Season:12 -- Pictured: Garcelle Beauvais -- (Photo by: Tommy Garcia/Bravo)
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Snark and Highlights for 7/27/2022
- Asher has such an incredible voice….WOW.
- Did Erika hijack his performance?
- Erika joining Asher’s performance reminds me of that episode of Monk when Stottlemeyer was performing this song and Randy joined him.
- It is last season! That is an antique in Beverly Hills.
- WTF is a champagne orgasm moment?
- Why was Erika invited to Paris’s wedding? I didn’t think Kathy was a close friend or that Paris even knew Erika.
- Wait–Sutton had COVID and had to spend Christmas alone? That totally sucks!
- Kyle, Garcelle is CONCERNED about Erika, she is NOT labeling her as an addict or having a drinking problem….there is a difference.
- I am glad Lisa made sure Erika got home safely….however, she should also talk to her about her drinking as well.
- Garcelle was gracious in accepting Diana’s apology….but then skillfully avoided the lunch invite.
- Kathy hiding Kyle’s purse was hysterical. Kyle not caring Kathy lost her phone and told her to send her a message in a bottle was even funnier.
- I forgot PK was arrested for suspicion of DUI.
- So…PK was lying by omission about his arrest to Dorit? He should have just been honest. I am 100% on Dorit’s side here.
- I am really beginning to worry about Erika with the hitting her head and vomiting post drinking.
- Mikey and Rinna are finally talking to Erika about mixing booze and meds….and thankfully she seems to be listening.
- I love seeing the women celebrate the holidays with their loved ones.
- Sutton making a point to talk to Jaid is so cute.
- I am glad Sutton wants to improve herself. I hope she meets someone who treats her right.
- Sutton’s turnoffs are hoodies, ponytails and unmarked white vans.
- Wait…so Mauricio also knew about the PK situation and didn’t say anything?
- Sutton’s date Sanjit is cute!
- Poor Sutton seems so nervous on the date though….but it is cute that she shared her glasses so he could read the menu.
- Erika: I’ll have chamomile tea with honey. Waitress: We don’t do hot drinks up here. Erika: I’ll have cognac….something good. That is one extreme to another.
- I am glad Garcelle is gently trying to talk to Erika about her drinking and other problematic behavior.
- Erika hates Sutton again and thinks she is a liability…..when she has been problematic.
- Garcelle seems so confused by Erika making comments about Sutton.
- More next week, stay tuned!
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