THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS -- Pictured: "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Key Art -- (Photo by: Bravo Media)
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Snark and Highlights for 6/15/2022
- A tequila tasting sounds like so much fun….but also very dangerous.
- Did everyone bring a glam team to Mexico?
- Oh, Crystal is the only one without a glam team. I agree with her not having a need for one.
- I think Sutton meant she doesn’t usually eat meat, but likes bacon. I see nothing problematic with that statement.
- I forgot that Sutton took the LSAT. I wonder how she did on the test. Sounds like she did well, though!
- This surfing lesson looks like so much fun.
- $8,500 for a lingerie bodysuit and a hat?!?!?! That was rent for almost a year when I was living in Pittsburgh! ($720/month with utilities and washer/dryer FTW)
- This Sutton and Crystal stuff is getting really old.
- Crystal had a falling out with fourteen friends? Maybe there was a huge fight and she walked away from them? I don’t think that is anything to worry about or make a big deal over. Even if she had individual falling outs, it happens.
- Why is Crystal dressed like she is going to audition for A Chorus Line in her long sleeved swimsuit?
- My heart breaks for Lisa crying about her mom. No matter what kind of person people think she is, she truly loved her mom and I cannot imagine life without my mom.
- Wait, what? I am confused by these Diana madam rumors. She is right though, rumors can destroy someone’s life….trust me, I KNOW!
- No matter what Sutton says, Erika is going to attack her and I do NOT like that one bit.
- Now they are attacking Sutton again? I am glad she is standing up for herself.
- What is wrong for not liking screaming? It can be very triggering for some people.
- Why is Diana crying now?
- I admire how Garcelle is sweet and fair to everyone, even if they aren’t her friends.
- This episode was high school PTSD, just saying.
- More next week, stay tuned!
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