February 16, 2025
American Song Contest Recap for 4/18/2022

AMERICAN SONG CONTEST -- “The Live Qualifiers Part 5” Episode 105 -- Pictured: John Morgan (NC) -- (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC)

American Song Contest Recap for 4/18/2022

Washington (Allen Stone), Massachussetts (Jared Lee), Georgia (Stela Cole) and New Hasmpshire (Mari) all move on to the next round!

Illinois: Justin Jesso with Lifeline–He reminds me of Luke Bryan with a bit of Elton John and The Weeknd mixed in for good measure. He has the looks, the voice and the energy to make the opening of this show amazing! Love him!

California: Sweet Taboo with Keys to the Kingdom--They remind me of Selena meets The Spice Girls. I love the upbeat melody, their style and the incredible sass and energy. (Is energy the theme for tonight?) I can see them not only making it far with music, but also having their own show.

Idaho: Andrew Sheppard with Steady Machine–He reminds me of my friend Chris Rattie, who also happens to be a musician. He has a bluesy-hippie-ish sound that manages to be nostalgic, comforting and modern all at the same time. It is a rare combination, but somehow, he makes it work.

New Mexico: Khalisol with Drop–He kind of reminds me of Snoop Dogg. I like the hip hop beat and the alien theme. The lights make me a bit dizzy, but I really enjoy this performance. It has a very nineties vibe and brings me back to my high school days watching TRL after school.

Wyoming’s Ryan Charles is in the redemption round! YAY!

Missouri: Halie with Better Things–She reminds me of a Jessica Simpson in the early days of her career. Her voice, her sweet and innocent look and powerful presence make for the next big thing in country-pop music.

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American Samoa: Tenelle with Full Circle–She is adorable and such a joy to watch. Something about her performance puts me in a better mood and for that I am grateful.

North Carolina: John Morgan with Right in the Middle–He is definitely our country boy of the season! I am getting Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban and Blake Shelton vibes from him. His voice is so smooth and swoon worthy–WOW!

Vermont: Josh Panda with Rollercoaster –-For some reason, I am getting major Disney vibes from this song. This guy doesn’t look the Disney type, but I feel like this song belongs in one of the empowering, superhero movies. I feel so pumped and empowered listening to it…and it is by far my favorite of the night so far.

Guam: Jason J with Midnight –It was an interesting melody with some great lyrics. This guy is definitely talented and I cannot wait to see what he does next!

Michigan: Ada Leann with Natalie–She is another one with a country-pop vibe. She is certainly pretty and gives off a sweet, innocent feel, similar to Halie earlier this evening. I kind of hope the two of them collaborate sometime in the future.

Maryland: Sisqo with It’s Up–What a way to end the night! OMG, this was fantastic. I am LOVING the beat, the fire, and most of all, this major comeback WOOT WOOT!



More next week, stay tuned.


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