ICYMI: Bob Hearts Abishola Recap for Inappropriate Nakedness

ICYMI: Bob Hearts Abishola Recap for Inappropriate Nakedness

ICYMI: Bob Hearts Abishola Recap for Inappropriate Nakedness

The episode opens with Bob and Abishola sleeping. Tunde wakes Bob, looking for a ladder to paint Ebun’s guest room. Dottie comes in, wondering what is going on. Dele is right behind her, holding the ladder. Bob kicks everyone out, mumbling how it is unbelievable. Abishola shushes him and he is confused as to how that is the thing that woke her up.


Later on, Bob asks Abishola why she didn’t tell him about Ebun redecorating. She claims she had no idea. He wonders when she is going to leave, but she thinks it will be disrespectful. The two go back and forth on the issue, which includes Abishola mimicking Ebun.


At lunch, Abishola asks Gloria and Kemi for advice on getting Ebun to leave. Kemi gives her some ideas, including ruining an air mattress, inappropriate nakedness and dead ancestors contacting her. Gloria takes notes, while Abishola tries to figure out how to get it to work.


Dele and Tunde paint the bedroom. Tunde offers nuggets of wisdom to Dele, which includes how to paint, give a toast and what music to work to while painting. Dele asks about cooking, but Tunde assures him there are Wendy’s everywhere.


Tunde then plays some hip hop music and raps along. Dele is surprised that he can rap, which leads to them bonding over music.


At work, Bob talks to Kofo and Goodwin about making a guest home for Ebun. Goodwin tells him she would want to be there forever and says the good deeds will be rewarded in the afterlife.

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Bob begins to have second thoughts about the whole thing when he hears the two of them banter over living together.


Abishola and Kemi call Ebun pretending to be her mom from beyond the grave.  They try to get her to leave, but Ebun confesses she is staying because she feels unloved by her husband.


The ladies discuss what they learned with Gloria. Abishola is very upset by this turn events and that she had no idea her parents were unhappy. Gloria says they were protecting her, while Kemi talks about how she and her husband would pretend to be happy by having loud sex twice a year.


Abishola walks away, with Kemi filling Gloria in on the rest of the conversation.


Tunde shares more music with Dele, including one he and Olu heard together when they first moved into their place. He says music can serve as a time capsule for the best moments in life. Dele says this song will help him remember this moment, but Tunde says it is his song with Olu and he can have the Breaks.


Ebun talks to Bob and tells him that he better love and look at Abishola with love. She says she is going to leave that night to be with her husband. Bob pretends to be devastated but is actually thrilled.


Bob tells Abishola the news when she gets home, but she is not happy with this turn of events. She ends up having a heart to heart with Ebun on the way to the airport and helps her see she doesn’t have to go back to where she us unhappy.

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Bob has a party with Dottie, Douglas, Christina and Olu to celebrate Ebun leaving. However, Abishola brings her home and says the party is actually to celebrate Ebun staying. Tunde comes in the room singing. Ebun wants to know if her room is ready. He tells her it will be soon and leaves the room as Ebun tells them to shut off the music.


The episode ends with Dele and Tunde rapping, dancing and painting together.

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