Celebrity Big Brother 3 Highlights and Snark for 2/4/2022

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Highlights and Snark for 2/4/2022

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Highlights and Snark for 2/4/2022

  • Veto from the Latin ‘to save one’s ass.’ Carson is my hero!
  • Todrick and Mirai bonding is everything I never knew I needed in life.
  • Two members of the Formation alliance is on the block–Mirai and Carson. The other members are Cynthia, Teddi, Todrick and Shanna.
  • Mirai is such an inspiration to so many. Win or lose, I hope she knows she is helping so many people by not only being on the show but simply by being Mirai.
  • Chris Kirkpatrick is so amazed by Miesha and it is so cute to watch him fanboy out.
  • Carson and Teddi don’t realize their mole is right under their nose and they have no idea.
  • Lamar doing the fashion show walk made my entire week.
  • I am glad Shanna owned her mistake on the Wendy Williams Show and apologized to Kourtney.
  • Carson, Mirai, Miesha, Lamar, Todrick and Cynthia are playing for POV.
  • The competition has to figure out their schedule for the day based on clues they get from their ‘assistant.’
  • Carson wins POV!
  • WOW, Shanna did the Formation alliance DIRTY to ensure she stays put. Naming names, giving up information….she is not messing around!
  • Now Todrick wants to turn on Carson….and Miesha thinks this is a good idea.
  • I had a feeling Teddi was going to be backdoored, but I don’t like how Miesha handled the whole thing.
  • Carson used the POV on himself, so Miesha puts Teddi up as the replacement nom.
  • I am gagged and I am gooped, Mommy is going to need a Chardonnay. That needs to be on a t-shirt….or better yet, a wine glass.
  • Teddi, if you survived PuppyGate, you could survive being a nominee in the BB House.
  • How did Teddi NOT know she will have to campaign if she wants to stay?
  • The Gala Hat Curse is revealed….the hat is passed around again and the one who gets it last is put on the block.
  • TODD is the new nominee. I am shocked, but I don’t think that he is going anywhere. He isn’t really a threat at this point.
  • Mirai is off the block, so it is between Teddi and Todd.
  • Todd votes: Chris Kattan, Carson, Cynthia
  • Teddi votes: Lamar, Todrick, Chris Kirkpatrick, Mirai, Shanna
  • In a 5-3 vote, Teddi is evicted from the BB household.
  • Teddi is PISSED that Shanna did her dirty.
  • I wish this weren’t such an accelerated season. It would have been nice to see Teddi play a bit longer.
  • More next week, stay tuned.
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