Big Brother 21 Premiere Recap Part 1

Summer is officially here and so is season 21 of Big Brother. Julie Chen Moonves introduces the houseguests, who are thrilled to be a part of this adventure of a lifetime. As always, we are to expect the unexpected. 

For the houseguests, we have Jackson, Nicole, Tommy, Katherine, Ovi, Kemi, Holly and Jackson inn group one and Christie, Sam, Isabella, Nick, Jessica, Cliff, Analyse and David in group two. As they enter the house, we find out Christie’s ex girlfriend is related to Tommy. They are both surprised and he wants to play it off like they don’t know each other. 

They all make introductions and begin bonding. Jack and Jackson seem to have a bromance already. The girls seem to like Jack, which isn’t surprising because he is a very good looking Southern gentleman. It seems like they are all serious about winning (of course), with Isabella already trying to figure out who she can and cannot trust.

Julie comes in to discuss the game. They will nominate a camp director, who will be safe the first week, have an impact on the HOH competition and have other various powers, including being able to ruin someone’s game. Everyone is a bit terrified to be a part of this, but Cliff, Jackson, Jessica and David nominate themselves.

They then try to get people on their side. Jessica seems to have the girls on her side, but they slowly begin to drift to Jackson.  Isabella isn’t sure, but ends up shifting out of fear of having the house turn against her. 

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Julie gives them the results. It turns out Jessica, Jackson, Jack. and Nick are the only ones who got votes, so the others get blasted in goop. Jackson wins, making him the Camp Director. This makes Jessica feel betrayed because she thought she had more people on her side. 

Jackson now must banish four houseguests who will fight for the chance to get back in the house. One will be evicted. Stay tuned.

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