The Baby-Sitters Club Recap for Claudia and the New Girl

The Baby-Sitters Club Recap for Claudia and the New Girl

The Baby-Sitters Club Recap for Claudia and the New Girl

This episode is based on Claudia and the New Girl. The girls are having a slumber party, but Kristy wants to work on club business. She has each girl do a personality test, which freaks Mallory out.


The results:




Mary Anne–Philosopher



Mallory–Inconclusive, because she left so many answers blank.


Mallory is upset and wishes she were more like Claudia.


Stacey goes to get water, but comes back right away screaming because the coolest girl/influencer in Stoneybrook High, Ashley Wyeth, is at the house. Claudia goes to say hi and freaks out. It turns out she is a friend of Janine’s and they are having their own sleepover/study session.


The next day, the girls enjoy breakfast with Mimi, when Mallory asks if the fruit is Japanese. Jessi nudges her, but Janine comes in with Ashley, explaining the origin of the fruit they are eating.


After they leave, Mallory continues to gush over the Kishi family, which the others find a bit embarrassing.


Kristy then feels sick, but claims she will be okay. However, she discovers she is indeed sick and has to stay in bed for a week. She is upset over this, but Liz won’t let her do anything except rest. Karen acts as a nurse for Kristy, but she is still not happy.


The next day, Claudia gets home from school, where Ashley is waiting for Janine. Claudia gushes over the fact that Ashley loves her style, but ponders over how she could be friends with Janine.

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At the meeting, Dawn and Claudia fight over who gets to take over Kristy’s presidential duties while she is out. It turns out Kristy asked Dawn to do it, which causes a lot of tension.


Later on, she discusses everything with Stacey, who tries to make her feel better and advises her to step up in her own way. However, this means that she will have to train Mallory. Stacey knows Mallory bugs Claudia, but tells her she can practice tolerance.


That night, Mary Anne calls Kristy to fill her in on the meeting, but ends up upsetting Kristy with all the changes. Kristy’s mood gets worse when her mom tells her it is time to rest.


Mallory and Claudia go to the babysitting job, where Mallory tries to impress Claudia, but ends up just being annoying. Things only get worse when Mallory drops dishes and ends up waking up baby Lucy.


At the next meeting, Dawn tries to comfort Mrs.  Barrett, who is crying over her ex-husband’s new boyfriend. When she finally hangs up, she tries to come up with a more fair way to pay dues, but it ends up causing a major debate.


Claudia and Mallory babysit together again, which ends up causing them to get into an argument. Claudia ends up feeling bad, but realizes she and Mallory are more alike than she thought.


Stacey calls Kristy to complain about Dawn’s leadership skills. This leads to Kristy taking on some of Dawn’s ideas, including changing the dues and donating to charities.

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The topic then switches to how training went. Mary Anne says Jessi did well, while Mallory runs away to the bathroom and Claudia goes downstairs to talk to Mimi.


Ashley then arrives and reminds Claudia that Janine is cool once you take a chance to listen to her. This leads to Claudia going to Mallory’s to apologize and bond. She compliments her writing and says she has a voice worth listening to, which leads to them deciding to collaborate on stories.


Mallory then takes the personality quiz again and finds out she is the storyteller. The two of them hug it out.


The episode ends with Claudia trying to bond with Janine, but no avail.



  • Ashley is Janine’s friend/classmate and not Claudia’s. That is a very interesting twist, especially since Claudia is fangirling all over the place.
  • At the end of the episode, Claudia makes a comment about Janine being able to be who she is after her talk with Mimi. I have a feeling Ashley and Janine are dating, which would be adorable. The two of them seem so sweet together.
  • I never thought they would make Ashley into an influencer. I like how they kept her quirky personality though!
  • Janine seems to be either really intimidated by Claudia and her friend or she’s really shy and trying to fit in.
  • Mimi is adorable and sweet with the girls.
  • Dawn taking over when Kristy is sick is exactly how I imagined book-Dawn to be if that were a storyline.
  • The charity idea was definitely a good one.
  • I am not liking the Claudia/Mallory conflict. They kind of made Claudia into a Mean Girl for no reason.
  • I feel like they combined parts of Hello, Mallory into this episode.
  • Claudia and Mal’s collaboration idea needs to be in more episodes.
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Author: Sammi Turano
Sammi has been a journalist for over a decade, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, sports and celebrity news. She is the owner of TVGrapevine and Football in High Heels and the Host of Grapevine in High Heels With Sammi.

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