The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Reunion 2 Recap for 2/1/2023

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Reunion 2 Recap for 2/1/2023

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Reunion 2 Recap for 2/1/2023

The second part of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City reunion brings up Jen, the husbands and more!


  • Are we still on Barbie Scissor Kicks Gate? I actually think these accusations are in poor taste….it kind of reminds me of the Denise/Brandi debacle.


  • Okay, so Heather was blackout drunk and hurt herself, but it is inconclusive as to how she did it…..but she made this spectacle out of it because she was embarrassed?


  • Hearing Whitney talking about her past abuse and trying to deal with it is so heartbreaking. I truly hope she takes time to heal completely.


  • I completely understand why Whitney felt dismissed by Heather and why she decided to no longer share anything with her.


  • I hope that after tonight we never hear anything about Blow Job Gate or anything about Lisa’s favors ever again.


  • How can Heather be surprised that Whitney wanted a friendship break? She treated her like garbage the entire season!


  • Lisa breaking out the text receipts sent me……..


  • Are we going to spend the entire reunion on this Bad Weather nonsense? They are no longer friends….let’s move it along!


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  • Andy is Seth’s new man crush? I like it…..


  • I feel bad that Justin lost his job, but he seems to be in good spirits.


  • Am I the only one who finds showering and bathing with your significant other kind of creepy? That is my own private time and I want to be alone!


  • Can we just have a show with the husbands? They are a lot more entertaining and less dramatic. I love how Seth and John can still be friends when their wives are no longer talking. They call each other out on their stuff, but can still be civil.


  • Is it me, or are we having a LOT of commercial breaks tonight?


  • I am with Whitney on this one….how did Meredith go from hiring the PI to supporting Jen so fiercely?


  • Okay, now that she explained how she knew Jen attempted suicide and didn’t want to trigger her in any way, it makes more sense.


  • Wait….the investigation began before Jen was even a Housewife, I am with Whitney on this one, why would you sign up for a freaking REALITY SHOW when you are being investigated for a crime? At least Teresa and Joe’s investigation began after the fact…..same with Erika and Tom.


  • The ladies think Coach may have known what Jen was up to…..especially since Heather shared that Angie H gave them money. Lisa was also ready to give them money until she was advised not to by her financial advisors.


  • Wait….the reunion is over…..and we got a whole lot of nothing. Until next season, I guess….with alleged new wives and the possible return of Mary Cosby.
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