February 16, 2025
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/11/2022: The Final Five

Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/11/2022: The Final Five

Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 24 starts off with some more backstory from the previous episode. As we know, Michael was eliminated in the surprise double elimination. He was shocked, upset and blindsided, holding nothing back when he talked to Julie Chen Moonves in his post eviction interview.


It turns out that the original plan was to get rid of Brittany, but since Monte won HOH, he took it as an opportunity to finally get rid of Michael the comp king.


Turner and Monte also made a final three deal with Alyssa and planned on targeting Brittany, who, for her part, wanted to get rid of Turner.


However, Turner wanted to work on a deal with Brittany to save himself.


Taylor also thought it was a good idea to get rid of Turner since he was doing so well in competitions and wins.


HOH time! It is a horror haunted house/escape room type thing. They have to get out in the shortest amount of time.


Monte wins, but Brittany was so close and missed getting HOH by a mere 9 seconds.


Monte makes it clear that Brittany is his target and that there is no way Turner or Taylor are going on the block. He tells Alyssa she is a pawn this week and has nothing to worry about…..but worries what will happen later on if she stays in the game.

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Brittany tries to convince Monte that Alyssa wants him gone, but he doesn’t believe her.


Taylor tells Monte Turner should go up because he is a bigger threat, but he doesn’t want to do this unless Taylor wins POV and he has no other option. He figures this would allow him to be voted out by whomever is actually voting.


Nomination time! Brittany and Alyssa are on the block.


More Wednesday, stay tuned.

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