Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/1/2022: Who Got Evicted?
Tonight’s live episode of Big Brother 24 on CBS opens with Kyle confronting Brittany about bringing up the racial division in the house. She says this has been bothering her for weeks.
Kyle then talks to Monte and Terrance, who are both upset with Kyle’s words about the issue and especially because he assumed that Taylor, Monte and Joseph’s final three deal was about race. Terrance is almost in tears and says Joseph’s eviction was all based on lies. He even goes as far to say that he wishes Kyle had been evicted instead.
The entire house has a meeting about the issue. Michael talks about what Kyle said to him and Brittany, while Kyle says they should have said something right away. Michael doesn’t think this is fair, but Terrance thinks that they were using the information to their advantage and that is why they didn’t day anything right away. He also reiterates that he would never have sent Joseph home had he known what was going on.
Taylor makes it clear she is very upset over this, but she still loves him as a person.
Kyle says he knows he is going home and that he has a lot to learn.
Veto ceremony! Brittany is taken off the block and Kyle is put on.
Alyssa breaks up with Kyle.
Monte and Kyle talk things out. Monte says that this whole situation brought up a lot of bad memories, but he still loves Kyle as a person. They hug it out.
Later on, Monte talks to Taylor about everything and says that they need to get rid of Michael next if they want a chance to win.
Eviction time! Kyle is unanimously voted out of the house. He says goodbye to everyone and faces the audience and Julie. The two of them talk and he heads off to jury.
HOH time. They have to do a puzzle in the fastest amount of time with it facing the zingbot. The winner becomes HOH.
More Sunday, stay tuned!