Married to Medicine Recap for Jekyll Island Part 2
The season finale of Bravo’s Married to Medicine opens with the women drinking together and bonding. Even though they seem to be having a good time, Lisa Nicole is a bit salty about the drama with Anila’s blog.
Later on, Quad stays in, due to being ill, while Anila, Dr. Jackie and Dr. Simone do a tour. Everyone else goes shrimp boating because they want to keep Lisa Nicole away from Anila.
Kari is wearing a British flag outfit, which is initially mistaken for a Confederate flag. Once Toya realizes it, she tells her she looks cute.
During the tour, Anila talks about the additional drama with Toya, while Dr. Simone and Dr. Jackie play fight.
The husbands arrive that night to see the women….and to bring Scott in hopes of helping him and Dr. Contessa work out their problems. They all get together for dinner and the interrogation begins! Scott is none too happy about this and tries to defend himself. However, he doesn’t allow Dr. Contessa say anything before making them leave.
Everyone is left confused and talk about what just happened. The ladies think he should have let Dr. Contessa talk, while the men think they put him on the defensive….until the women explain that he had a secret life coach and an alleged girlfriend according to his kids. The men think they should have more information before getting opinions, but the women do not think this is right.
Dr. Heavenly and Quad go to check on Dr. Contessa and Scott. When they get to their room, Scott tells the ladies he was talking to a MALE coach and there is no girlfriend. However, the ladies think he is lying.
Scott leaves the room, but not before telling them to let it go.
The next morning, Kari tells Toya she woke up to Dr. Contessa screaming at Scott over nude pictures on his phone. They go to check on her, only to have Scott answer the door. He lets them in and escapes to talk to the men. Cecil and Eugene think that the women should have heard Scott’s side of the story, while the ladies listen to Contessa. When they leave her alone, they realize they locked themselves out of their room.
Later on that day, the ladies check out. Lisa Nicole discovers that she has a $600 drink charge on her bill. It turns out Anila put it on there as revenge for nonpayment for her blog. This causes a huge fight and a threat to call the cops. Kari tells them to split the bill, while the ladies who shared the drinks offer to pay for their share.
Dr. Heavenly and her family are enjoying their new lake house, while her son Zachary begins working in the real estate business.
Dr. Simone and Cecil deal with Michael being gone and Miles being at home.
Dr. Jackie began an unfiltered podcast with Curtis.
Dr. Eugene is spending more time traveling with Toya and the family.
Anila’s house is finished….three million dollars later!!
Quad is enjoying the single life.
Dr. Contessa and Scott are enjoying time with their family and claim everything is fine.
Reunion begins next week, stay tuned!