Celebrity Spotlight: Joshua Schubart

Celebrity Spotlight: Joshua Schubart

Celebrity Spotlight: Joshua Schubart

Tell me a bit about yourself and career. 

I am an Actor, Writer, Producer, VO Artist, Stunt Person, and a HUGE nerd. Currently I live on Long Island NY with my wife, and we are about to welcome our first child. I discovered acting in highschool, and I’ve been acting since I was fourteen years old.

How would you describe After?

.AFTER is the story of a young widower who moves back home and tries to get back into the dating game. It is a wildly funny, and devastatingly heartbreaking tale of loss, love, forgiveness, and rebirth.

What attracted you to the role?

  I wanted to create this show for multiple reasons. First, I wanted to do a deep dive into what it means to be mentally ill. The triumphs, failures, how messy and awkward it can be, but also how absurdly funny life can be when a person is dealing with these kinds of complex emotions. Secondly, as an extremely large human being, the beginning part of my career was spent either being the funny guy, bad guy, or bad guy who is also funny. I wanted to create something where a large bearded man experiences all aspects of the human condition.

In what ways do you relate to your character?

I wrote Jeremy Hurns largely using many of my own life experiences. My wife is very much alive, but I have had my own struggles with mental illness and self harm.

What was it like working with such a great cast?

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I could not have asked to work with a better cast! I wrote all of these roles for all of the amazing folks in the show, and they all said yes when I asked them to be in it. They all very graciously lent their amazing talent to .AFTER and are all doing SO WELL with their own careers.

What were some challenges of playing the role?

Being vulnerable can be terrifying. Especially when you are tackling a role like Jeremy, who is basically an open wound, on the road to healing. Writing a role, and performing one are completely different beasts. So allowing myself to be so open, and vulnerable was for sure a challenge, but I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything in the world.

What are some of your favorite memories from working on set?

We had a very close knit set. The cast and the crew were in the trenches together, and this show wouldn’t be what it is without everyone’s incredible commitment. My favorite moments were when everything was just clicking, and it seemed like all of the creatives on set were locked into the same creative space. Those times are truly creatively magical, and forge friendships that last a lifetime.

What else are you working on?

I’m also an audiobook narrator, so I’m always working on a new book. I’m also always writing and auditioning for things. I have lots of ideas for .AFTER season 2, so cross those digits we get green light for more.

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

I build my own computers, and play in two weekly Dungeons and Dragons games. Nerds are cool!

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What are you watching on TV these days?

Ted Lasso, The Handmaid’s Tale, Raised by Wolves, and Top Chef.

Anything else you want to share?

I fell into this industry largely by accident. My childhood was less than perfect. I bounced around a lot, became homeless, and then found a home with my foster parents. I walked onto a stage with a trauma induced stutter, and found that while performing I could speak in complete sentences for the first time in life. I want to encourage anyone who feels like they can’t, or life is too much that they absolutely can. You can be, and do anything you want in this world. I love you and believe in you, don’t stop!

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