It is HOMETOWN WEEK on ABC’s The Bachelor! The final four girls—Madison, Kelsey, Hannah Ann and Victoria will take Peter home to meet the parents. Based on the previews, it looks like it is going to be quite a ride.
Hannah Ann: We visit Knoxville to meet Hannah Ann’s family. Her dad is in the lumber industry and is known as Ranger Rick. It seems like it takes a lot to impress him.
Before we get to that, they go axe throwing. He also gives her a letter to respond to the one she gave him….because we are in high school, apparently.
They then go to Hannah Ann’s with gifts and flowers. She looks so much like her mom. After sharing the highlights of their day, Hannah Ann goes to talk to her sister and Hannah Ann’s mom Jennifer goes to have a chat with Peter.
Hannah Ann talks about the notes they exchanged and there is a lot of emotion involved. It is kind of sweet.
Peter gets twenty questions from Jennifer, who lets her know what to expect from Ranger Rick.
For his part, Peter says he plans to tell Hannah Ann he is falling in love. However, Ranger Rick says he better not say it unless he really means it.
That was it?
The two of them say goodbye until the next rose ceremony.
Kelsey: Now we are in Iowa for Kelsey’s hometown. They dance-stomp on grapes at a winery,which is kind of cool. They also do a lot of tasting of wine, which seems like a great date. She says she is falling in love with him. He just kisses her….which may or may not be kiss of death. He just says he is happy and can see a future….but not that he is in love. They seem to have a nice physical connection and care for each other,but not sure if he is going to pick her at this point.
They go to Kelsey’s and have more wine and the sisters go to chat. It is very sweet to see how much her sisters care about her.
Peter talks to Kelsey’s mom, who says Peter must be very special to have Kelsey bring him home.
Kelsey also talks to her stepdad and admits that he didn’t say he loved her back. She gets a bit emotional and says she is scared. He seems to understand how she feels. She also shares the same thing with her mom, who says she cannot protect her and worries about her getting her heart broken because it is so big.
She feels confident in what they have, but he still has yet to ACTUALLY say he is falling in love.
Madison: They are in Auburn to see Madison’s alma mater before they visit her family. They even get a special welcome from Charles Barkley and her coach before playing a little one on one. Her coach speaks very highly of Madison’s father and it is actually very sweet.
She wins the game and they make out on the court.
At dinner,they give Madi the special plate, which means that the person who gets it has something nice said about her bye everyone else at the table. They say grace, toast and enjoy a meal before they talk.
Madi talks to her mom, who wonders if she told Peter that she is saving herself for marriage. Her mom says she hopes he respects her and knows she will make the right decision.
Peter tells Madi’s dad he is falling in love with her and he wants her to prove it. He basically gives her the dad ‘you better not hurt my baby girl or else’ speech. It’s interesting Peter says he is in love one minute, but seems to be recanting it in the next minute. Dad is NOT impressed. He lets Madi know the same thing.
Peter seems to be understanding and tells Madi he is excited about them.They kiss some more, but it seems a bit tense. She is unable to say she is in love and doesn’t tell him she is saving herself until marriage.
Victoria: They play with her dog and….play dress up? All righty then. Her dog also steals her ice cream, ha!
They are also surprised with a Hunter Hayes concert. When it is over, Peter sees an old friend named Marissa, who says he should be careful about Victoria. Apparently, she did something that caused them to stop being friends. It isn’t specific, I know there are rumors,but out of respect for all those involved, I won’t comment on them.
Victoria has no idea what happened and is waiting for him to arrive. When he does, he talks about his conversation with Marissa and Victoria gets defensive. The two of them fight and then he hugs her as she cries about how frustrated she is about everything. He tells her she deserves to be loved and leaves. Her mom comes out to hug her and it is kind of hard to watch.
The next day, he is still confused and upset and all I am going to say is all of these could have been handled better….and off camera.
Victoria comes to his room and they have a long talk. However, both of them are as confused as ever.
Rose ceremony:
Hannah Ann
Kelsey is sent home and he tells her she deserves to be loved, but he wasn’t there with her.
We end with Madi wanting to talk to Peter about not wanting to compromise her morals. Stay tuned.