Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Another Week in the House Begins

Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: A Quick Update

Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: A Quick Update


As always, thanks to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for the news of the feeds.

Today, the feeds were shut down most of the day due to the incident with Luke being removed from the house. I missed yesterday due to the OMITB premiere, but the TL;DR is that Reilly is upset about her HOH reign ending and wonders where she stands, Cameron is slowly becoming public enemy #1 in the house and Reilly wonders if she can trust Hisam. Alliances seem to be imploding and false information is being spread. In a nutshell, same thing, different day.

Also, even before the incident, Luke wasn’t doing himself any favors with how he was acting and was quickly making himself a target.


  • Izzy declares she hates Cameron and his vibe.
  • Cirie and Bowie agree to nevergo up as a pawn. They also think Kirsten’s attitude could be a generational thing.
  • Cameron tells Cory he thinks the other alliance is toxic and Cory reports this to Izzy.
  • Cameron speculates on the next HOH comp being a quiz theme.
  • Cory thinks that Izzy and Hisam will be targets, but most will go after Hisam….all of this comes from things Reilly said.
  • Izzy wants to protect Cirie.
  • Cory wants to protect Jared.
  • Cameron and Reilly both seem to be stirring the pot and quickly making themselves targets. There is a plan in place to put Blue and Jag on the block and backdoor one of them, most likely Reilly.
  • Jared tells Izzy he doesn’t like the crying double standard with Kirsten and Reilly.
  • Cirie, Jared and Izzy have an alliance, but have to be careful not to mention their connection/knowledge.
  • Feeds go off!
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Author: Sammi Turano
Sammi has been a journalist for over a decade, specializing in entertainment, lifestyle, sports and celebrity news. She is the owner of TVGrapevine and Football in High Heels and the Host of Grapevine in High Heels With Sammi.