The Real Housewives of New Jersey Snark and Highlights for 3/22/2022

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Snark and Highlights for 3/22/2022

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Snark and Highlights for 3/22/2022

  • Woodchucks can’t chuck wood, their name is a lie. This made me laugh way too hard. Jennifer’s kids are hilarious.
  • Margaret’s makeup looks amazing at the coffee meeting with Jennifer.
  • Did Margaret really bring her own creamer to the coffee shop? That is….special.
  • Listening to Jennifer talk about how she wishes Bill would step up and have her back is something so many women can relate to, including myself.
  • I am liking this side of Jennifer and how she trying to take responsibility for her actions.
  • Did Frank just say David thought of Dolores as one of the guys?
  • I love how Frank still loves and watches out for Dolores and wants her to be happy. The fact that he is shopping with her is adorable.
  • I am on Jackie’s side here, there is no way in HELL I would do a team building exercise with anyone.
  • I am very worried about Jackie and her eating disorder. I hope this therapy works for her and she gets the help she needs.
  • Melissa needs to stop pushing Antonia into cheering if she doesn’t want to do it. Have her pick something else she wants to do. Pushing a kid to socialize or do an activity is never a good idea.
  • The fact that David wants to stay with Dolores’s mom after her surgery even though he is no longer with Dolores speaks volumes, however, he should not be rude to Dolores.
  • This entire team building event is going to be a disaster….especially with the way the girls are divided (Margaret/Jackie and Dolores/Teresa/Jennifer)
  • Traci and Teresa partnered up….there is more than a good chance this will end badly.
  • When did Dolores and Jackie make up? It is a good thing, they are the sanest ones in the group at this point.
  • WTF is with Teresa? She is snapping at people left and right and seems like she is itching to start a fight. Sheesh!
  • Margaret and Teresa are now going to get into it…..this looks like it is going to be a fight to make the ladies on Dynasty blush.
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More next week, stay tuned.

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