What to Watch: 4/15/19

It’s Monday night , which means a ton of choices when it comes to TV. Wondering what to watch tonight? Here are some of our top picks!

ABC: Find out the top ten on American Idol, then stay tuned for an all new episode of The Fix.

CBS: It’s a night full of laughs with The Neighborhood, followed by Man With A Plan. The night continues with all new episodes of The Code and Bull.

CW: Are you a superhero fan? Then make sure you tune in to watch all new episodes of DC Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow.

Fox: It is a dramatic night on Fox with all new episodes of The Resident and 9-1-1.

NBC: The battles continue on The Voice, followed by an all new episode of The Enemy Within.

Bravo: If you want more  reality-based drama, check out Vanderpump Rules  and Summer House.

TNT: Sports fans can enjoy the NBA playoffs with two games: Nets vs. the 76ers, followed by the Clippers vs. The Warriors.

USA: If wrestling (and hot men in minimal clothing!)  are more your speed, check out an all new episode of WWE RAW!

What do you plan to watch tonight? Sound off in the comments.

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