What to Watch: The Year 2022

What to Watch: The Year 2022

For the 12th year running, ABC News presents “THE YEAR: 2022,” anchored by ABC News’ “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts. This two-hour primetime special gives viewers a look at the most iconic and memorable moments of 2022, from major news events and the pop-culture stories in the news to the breakout stars, heroes and changemakers who dominated headlines and social media feeds.

Roberts will be joined by the award-winning team of ABC News anchors and correspondents, including “Good Morning America” co-anchors George Stephanopoulos and Michael Strahan, plus “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir, “Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang, chief meteorologist and managing editor of ABC News’ Climate Unit Ginger Zee, “ABC News Live Prime” anchor Linsey Davis, foreign correspondent James Longman and “Good Morning America Weekend” co-anchor Janai Norman. “THE YEAR: 2022” brings audiences a star-studded and news-filled look at the events that defined this past year.

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