February 11, 2025
Big Brother 23 Finale Recap: Who Won It All?

Big Brother 23 Finale Recap: Who Won It All?

Tonight is the season finale for CBS’s Big Brother 23. Azah, Big D and Xavier are all in the running for the big win. As of now, Xavier won the first HOH competition, so he will face off against Big D or Azah in the final two.

But first…..as Julie Chen Moonves would say….we need to get through the second HOH competition between Azah and Big D.

The game consists of the two of them answering questions on four specific houseguests. They must then run up a flight of stairs and set the answer on a jackpot. There are only three questions and the one who finishes in the fastest amount of time wins.

Azah wins with a score of 13:19, while Big D finished in 20:22.

Big D is not happy about any of this and ends up getting into a fight with Azah. She is sick of his attitude and decides she wants to keep her options open rather than automatically take him to the final two.

Xavier is thrilled with this turn of events, while Big D continues to complain.

Jury time! Everyone wonders who will be joining them and are surprised to see Kyland walk into the room. He fills them in on what happened, saying that Xavier screwed him over, while Big D voted him out. They all wonder how things are going to play out with the remaining people in the house.

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Final HOH comp! Xavier and Azah play a game where they have to answer questions about jury members. The twist? They need to say which statements are FALSE!

It is a very close game, but in the end, Xavier ends up winning by one point.

Xavier chooses to evict Azah, who then goes to the jury.

The jury then ask the final two questions about their gameplay, where Big D seems to take credit for several things that occurred in the house, including coming up with The Cookout alliance.

After the final two give their final pleas as to why they should win, the jurors cast their votes.

The jurors and finalists then confess all the secrets they kept about themselves this season, all of which were met by cheers and support.

Finally….it is time to announce the winner of Big Brother 23. Xavier wins with 5 votes….but we do not see how everyone else voted….but it looks like it was unanimous.

Tiffany wins America’s Favorite Houseguest!

More NEXT SEASON! Stay tuned and thanks for watching/reading this season.

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