February 14, 2025
Big Brother 23 Premiere Recap for July 7, 2021

Big Brother 23 Premiere Recap for July 7, 2021

Tonight is the season premiere for CBS’s Big Brother 23. Sixteen new people will join the house and spend the summer competing in America’s favorite house.

Julie Chen Moonves introduces the first four guys:

Travis: Hawaiian, gives off Tyler vibes, goofy

Derek F: Philly based, climbed Rocky stairs in his intro, dad Joe is a boxer.

Frenchie: Farmer/dad, awesome personality, ex-military.

Xavier: Athletic, seems sweet, attorney, attorney.

After Julie talks to them for a bit, she sends them in for their first competition. They will have to put together a plexi-glass picture matching the one behind them. The first one who finishes correctly wins a chance to play for HOH and the chance to change the course of the competition.

Frenchie wins, despite making a couple of mistakes in the beginning.


Julie then introduces the first four ladies:

Azah: Family is from Cameroon, first generation American, doesn’t want a showmance.

Brittni: 4th degree black belt, valedictorian, future teacher.

Alyssa: Heart on her sleeve, swimwear company owner, good social game.

Whitney: mom, makeup company owner, concerned about a showmance.

They play the same game as the guys, this time with Whitney winning.


The last four men:

Kyland: Teaches kids life skills, non-profit volunteer, account executive.

Christian: Fun, self described puppy attitude,  sweet attitude.

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Derek X: tennis player, former nerd, fraternity member.

Brent: Athletic, flight attendant, travel lover.

They do the competition as well, this time with Christian winning.


The final four ladies:

Sarah Beth: Forensic chemist, costume designer, plans to fly under the radar.

Hannah: Nicknamed Doogie Howser, graduated college at 19, plans to pretend to be a fashion loving college student.

Claire: Replaced former castmate who tested positive for COVID, doesn’t mind showmances, wants an all women alliance.

Tiffany: Plans to win physical competitions, BS detector, 40 years old.

The final competition takes place, this time with Claire winning!


After some mingling, Julie announces the four winners are team captains. They will choose teams based on a slot machine that shows two houseguests, who will then give a quick blurb about themselves.


The teams are as follows:

Jokers: Frenchie, Azah, Britini and Derek F.

Aces: Whitney, Brent, Derek X. and Hannah

Kings: Christian, Alyssa, Xavier and Sarah Beth

Queens: Claire, Kyland, Tiffany and Travis


HOH competition!

In a game called House of Cards, the teams will build a house out of cards and the first one to buzz in without it falling apart wins.

The Kings finish first and try to buzz in, but the house falls apart.

The Jokers buzz in next and end up winning.

The Queens are in second place, the Aces in third and the Kings in last place, thus making them the Have-Nots!

Frenchie is the new HOH! He has a double or nothing option to have two weeks of safety, but he decides to just keep his HOH as is.

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Julie then announces the season’s winner will get $750,000!

More Sunday, stay tuned!

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