Bir Brother All Stars Finale Recap for 10/28/2020: The Winner Is….

Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/19/2024: The Second Jury Member Revealed

The night we have been waiting for is finally here. The Big Brother All Stars finale is finally airing on CBS. It is between Nicole, Cody and Enzo for the win. Nicole won the first HOH, but now we have to see who wins the second one and what happens when they go against each other. Who will the third HOH choose to take to the end? We are about to find out.


After a recap of the first HOH win, Cody and Enzo compete against each other for the second HOH. This one has them reading postcards and taking pictures with cardboard cutouts of evicted houseguests and match up clues….all while pigs fly and they are on a balance beam. The first one to do three correctly wins.


Enzo struggles, which ultimately gives Cody the win. Enzo has a meltdown and wants to quit then and there. However, he cools off and talks to Nicole about getting into the final two together if she wins. Nicole is torn at this point, because she knows Cody is unbeatable, but it will still make her feel bad if she loses against Enzo.


After the jury welcome Christmas and they discuss who could win, we get to the final HOH. It is Cody against Nicole in a video memory game. The one who answers the most questions correct wins. Cody wins by one point and decides to take Enzo to the final two.


Nicole tearfully talks to Julie about feeling betrayed by Cody, but she isn’t mad. She is also proud of how she played the game. She then goes to join the jury.

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The jurors ask Enzo and Cody questions about their game play, which leads to alliance confessions coming out and secret gameplay. Oh, and Cody chose Enzo because he knew Nicole would be heard to beat.


Enzo and Cody give their final pitches and then the jurors vote. While we wait for the votes to be tallied, the other evicted houseguests come out to talk about their gameplay. Kaysar admits he did try to break up main alliances, but people stuck with the status quo instead. Janelle says she would have put Enzo and Cody on the block if she won the first HOH. Keesha is miffed Cody had no idea who she was. Oh, and it is agreed that the triple eviction was the biggest shock of the season!


It is time to announce the winner of Big Brother All Stars, aka Season 22! With a unanimous vote, CODY IS THE WINNER! Da’Vonne is America’s Favorite Houseguest, followed by Tyler.

Congratulations to the winners and see you next season!


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