Big Brother Recap for 9/24/2023

Big Brother Recap for 9/24/2023

Big Brother Recap for 9/24/2023

When we last left off on Big Brother 25 on CBS, Jared and Cameron were both evicted but were given the chance to fight their way back into the house zombie style.


Before we get to their battle, we learn that Blue and Cirie are shocked and upset about Jared’s eviction. Everyone else is happy since both their targets are gone. It is also reiterated that Cory chose Blue and Jared for the block so Blue couldn’t save Jared.


Jared also chose Matt for the POV via Houseguest’s Choice. After Matt won, he decided not to use POV, which upset Blue when she was notified of this news…..not only because she could have been evicted, but Jared was also in danger.  Jared, for his part, was upset that Blue didn’t tell him they were in said danger and that he was the target.


Jared tried to keep himself in the house, not realizing that he made enemies of Mecole and Felicia. He also tried to convince Bowie to keep him, but she also seemed to want to get rid of him.


In present time, the BB zombie battle has begun. There is no gameplay for anyone else this week….Cameron and Jared will just live in the house and then compete for the chance to stay in the house on Thursday.


Cory is upset because his hard work getting rid of Cameron and Jared was for nothing. Matt is worried about Jared’s retaliation, as is Blue.

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Jared tries to call out Felicia and Blue, but Felicia turns the tables and says that he and Cirie also did her dirty, so she no longer trusts them. The three of them get into a fight, which the whole house overhears.


Matt talks to Cirie about his previous actions and earn back her trust by saying that he only kept Jared on the block because otherwise she would have gone up.


Matt, Jag and Cory think that Cameron coming back will be their best bet in the long run for their game.


Blue and Jared are still on the outs over their secret keeping from each other.


Cameron and Jared begin their battle back into the house by balancing skulls in a shovel. Round one ends in a tie.


Jag decides to help Cameron by giving him advice on how to stay in the game. This gives him the kick in the pants to pull ahead of Jared in round two.


Cirie steps in to give Jared advice before round three….but we need to wait until Thursday to see those results. Stay tuned!



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