What To Watch: Free Byrd

What To Watch: Free Byrd

Need something to make you laugh? Look no further than Free Byrd, which is out on Digital HD and VOD now. Check out more details below!

Meet JAY BUTLER (Randy Nazarian), a lovable underachiever who works as a van driver at an assisted living community, and HARRY BYRD (Raymond J. Barry, “Justified”) who is being kicked out of the community for general irascibility. At the behest of the home and Harry’s three willful children, Jay is assigned to drive Harry to a new home. But all is not smooth travels and along the way, the duo endure a variety of misadventures, including being picked up by a troupe of burlesque dancers lead by the incomparable RED (Shondrella Avery, Napoleon Dynamite) and performing an impromptu comedy act in front of a live audience. It proves to be an entertaining and enlightening journey for both men who need some new perspective on life.

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