What To Watch: 4/22/19

Monday, Monday…..now that I’ve got you all singing that classic, here is a list of what to watch tonight.

ABC: American Idol (8pm),  The Fix (10pm)

CBS: The Neighborhood (8pm), Man With A Plan (8:30pm), The Code (9pm)

Fox: The Resident (8pm), 9-1-1 (9pm)

NBC: The Voice (8pm), The Enemy Within (9pm)

Bravo: Vanderpump Rules (9pm), Summer House (10pm)

CW: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (8pm)

TLC: 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (8pm) 90 Day Fiancé (9pm & 10pm)

TNT: NBA Playoffs: Milwaukee Bucks vs. Detroit Pistons (8pm), Houston Rockets vs. Utah Jazz (10:30pm)

USA: WWE Raw (8pm)

What are you planning to watch? Let us know in the comments!

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