What to Watch: 4/18/19

Thursday night, aka Must See TV night (if you remember the 90s, you remember this NBC campaign) or TGIT for those of us who love ABC. No matter how you slice it, the point is there is good TV on. Here are some of our top picks.

ABC: Grey’s Anatomy, Station 19 and For The People.

CBS: Big Bang Theory, Life in Pieces (at 8:30 and 9:30) Mom and SWAT.

Fox: Gotham and The Orville.

NBC: Superstore,  AP Bio, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Abby’s.

Bravo: Project Runway

The CW: Supernatural and In The Dark.

Freeform: Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger.

MTV: Double Shot at Love with DJ Pauly D and Vinny

TNT: NBA Playoffs with 76ers vs. Nets and Warriors vs.  Clippers

USA: Stanley Cup Playoffs

VH1: RuPaul’s Drag Race

What are you planning to watch? Let us know!


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