SPECIAL FORCES: WORLD’S TOUGHEST TEST: Cam Newton in the SPECIAL FORCES: WORLD’S TOUGHEST TEST episode "Duty and Resiliance" airing Wednesday, January 29 (8:00-10:00 PM ET /PT) on FOX. CR: Pete Dadds / FOX. ©2025 FOX MEDIA LLC.
Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test Recap for 1/29/2025
The penultimate episode of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test opens with day seven and only eight recruits remaining. Brody Jenner and Carey Hart talk about making it until the end as everyone gets ready for the day.
Christy Carlson Romano and Kyla Pratt talk about their Disney days as the staff calls them to begin their next day of training. The staff weighs their Bergens to see if they meet the 15 milligram requirement. Only Christy’s is off, so she must grab a rock, hold it over her head and then put it in her bag.
Nobody seems to have any sympathy for Christy.
Carey talks about sacrificing his career when he became a dad and how this is giving him the adrenaline rush he’s missed.
The next challenge has the recruits work together to save hostages before the guards get back, not knowing what they may encounter.
Golden Tate and Alana Blanchard are up first. They are faced with gunfire and finding a different hostage than the one they are rescuing….so they just leave the dude there? They finally find the hostage and escape with her. They face explosions as Golden goes rouge and tries to go back in, while the building gets destroyed. They fail because they didn’t save the other hostages but killed them. Golden is destroyed by this.
Kyla and Brody are up next. They also leave hostages behind and also have their mission compromised. They have to hustle to save their target hostage, but leave other ones behind. They destroy the building and fail the tast.
Carey and Kayla Nicole are next. Kayla actually saves the other hostage and is quite maternal with him. As their mission is compromised, they save their main hostage. Kayla sees more hostages, so she goes back to get them. They pass the mission.
Christy and Cam Newton are the final ones to do the challenge. They keep breaking doors but not clearing the rooms, completely messing up the rescue mission. They manage to get the one hostage and destroy the building, killing the other hostages.
Christy realizes they completely messed up, but says that the other hostages could have been fake. Cam backs her up, but they both fail the mission.
The staff is not happy with the recruits because this was a life-or-death situation. They go back to the barracks and discuss their failure.
The staff talk to each other about the task and how Kayla was the best and Christy did the worst.
Christy is brought in for interrogation. They know she is struggling, but she knows she can do better. They tell her that she failed herself, while she talks about her career and how it led to her being a perfectionist.
She talks about how her mom was her manager and their relationship suffered once she fired her at the age of 21. This led to her developing a drinking problem, finally becoming sober when she became pregnant. She has been sober for 8 years.
They send her back to the barracks, where the recruits now must prepare for the next challenge. The recruits must do the high wire traverse challenge, which has them move across a wire upside down and drop/hang for 30 seconds before releasing themselves.
Christy is up first and fails miserably.
One by one, the other recruits complete the task. Golden passes, but it is hard to tell who else passed or failed.
Back at the barracks, Carey shows off his old injuries.
The recruits are called on parade and must dive into a trough of water, into mud and run back and fall in, where they will complete an obstacle course.
Kyla struggles throughout the challenge.
Carey gets hurt and must see a medic. His ankle and wrist are possible broken and he can’t even walk without help. He must medically withdraw, breaking his heart because he wanted to win so badly. The staff are so proud of him and tell him that this is not his fault. He goes to say goodbye to everyone.
Day eight begins and the recruits prepare for a new day of challenges. They all discuss what is next and how far they have come.
The staff think Christy and Kyla are the weakest links. They call the recruits for the next challenge. The staff tells them how wonderful Carey was and how they can learn by his example. They also warn them that the worse is yet to come and they will pull those not up to par….so do they have what it takes to continue?
Kayla and Cam support Christy and Kyla, who are not sure how to feel or what to do.
Everyone is in Welsh moors to do a punishing physical trial that will push them to their limits. They will do a speed march and if they cannot keep up, they will be cut. They run and must pick up a rock and put it in their Bergen. They will then hike uphill as fast as they can.
Kyla has trouble breathing and that, coupled with her hurt leg, has her finally decide to voluntarily withdraw.
Christy also struggles and is disqualified/removed from the competition, much to everyone’s shock. She is upset over this, but knows she made her Marine husband proud.
Kayla struggles but is also there to lend a helping hand to her fellow recruits.
Everyone else continues to struggle but manage to finish the task. They now must rush to get to the cars, so they don’t have to run back to the barracks.
The staff thinks that Golden and Kayla are struggling but are impressed with Brody and Alana.
The recruits now must write death letters, aka the last messages for their loved ones. It is emotionally draining for them, but things only get called back outside with their full kits.
Once they are in the car, Alana cried about missing her family. Kayla and Golden comfort her.
The next task has them to a trust task, where they will freefall off a bridge. They must rely on each other, so they don’t get hurt or killed.
Alana continues to struggle with whether or not she should stay. Kayla convinces her to stay, but Alana talks to the staff about missing her kids. They understand that the letters messed her up and give her the courage to stay.
The task is completed, but it is unclear who passed or failed.
Back in the barracks, they work on the letters, which is a struggle for Golden. He cries as he tries to read it out loud and there is not a dry eye in the room. He has to stop reading because he is crying so hard.
Brody reads his to his wife and tells her that he loves her and their daughter.
Alana also struggles to read the letter to her husband and kids.
Kayla reads the letter to her family and thanks them for loving her and being there in her darkest days.
Cam reads his letter to his kids and tells them how much he loves them.
The recruits bond over how much they love their families and the difficulty of the task.
Finale next week, stay tuned!