NIGHT COURT -- "Rebound and Down" Episode 307 -- Pictured: Wendie Malick as Julianne Walters -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)
Night Court Recap for Rebound and Down
Night Court opens with Wyatt getting Abby old cases. She says that now that she is single, she is focusing on her first love, Lady Justice, not Lance Bass as Wyatt suggested. She quips the Lady will never say bye, bye, bye to her.
Flobert brings in more cases and they get down to business. They have a skydiving couple being charged with trespassing. Dan works on the case with Julianne as the skydiving people argue. Abby sentences them and takes five.
Dan expresses his concern for her, but she says she is fine. She goes into her office to scream, which Gurgs snarks about. Abby insists she is fine.
Wyatt tries to introduce her to his friend Sam, but she is not interested in him. Julianne, who knows Sam, goes to talk to Abby and tells her she can’t do it alone. She invites her to an orgy….of empowerment, aka a women’s empowerment group. Wyatt comments on this, saying he was in a similar group, who ended up being gigolos.
Abby says she will consider Julianne’s offer, which confuses Wyatt.
Later on, Dan comes in with a plastic bag since Flobert makes fun of. Dan says that security took his briefcase, which was given to Flobert. This leads to them discussing security issues with Gurgs and important people quitting, which caused problems. They wonder who will get hired and Gurgs decides to go for it and put her hat in the ring for a promotion.
Abby goes to the group and has a good time bonding with the new ladies, especially one named Belinda. Julianne is glad and introduces her to…a new candle. It turns out it is also a pyramid scheme, which upsets Abby. She is also mad because the peach candle she was smelling all night was not a delicious cobbler.
Abby complains about the night to Wyatt and how she has to sell candles to stay in the group. Wyatt think it might be a good rebound, but Abby disagrees.
Dan and Flobert help Gurgs prepare for her interview, giving her conflicting advice. Dan thinks she should focus on listening skills, while Flobert thinks she should enter with a flourish and record her good idea. This only serves to confuse Gurgs as the guys continue to fight over what she should do.
Julianne shames the women for not selling candles. Abby, who is watching, sprays herself with Lysol and goes to talk to them after Julianne leaves. They want to be her friend, but Julianne isn’t keen on that idea when she gets back to the table. She and Abby go back and forth on whether or not Abby can join the group, leading to Abby agreeing to sell one thousand candles.
Abby works on selling candles to Wyatt when the ladies come in and tell her they want her to run the group instead of Julianne. She worries about Julianne’s reaction when Julianne herself walks in, telling Abby she can have the group since it will turn to women eating cheese and complaining about their missing husbands. A woman named Kelly tells her that her husband’s body was found, but Julianne tells her it is not the time and storms off.
Flobert and Dan wait for Gurgs to do her interview. They end up fighting some more, driving her crazy and telling them to leave.
The women bond when Julianne walks in to join them. Belinda talks about her DUI, UTI and getting into DYI despite being banned from Michael’s and Kelly calls them a murder club. Julianne gloats about this and knows it will end in disaster. As she leaves, the women realize there is no cheese and demand/chant that Abby should get them cage aged cheese.
Gurgs got the job! She is now Chief Bailiff! Flobert and Dan wonder whose advices worked, but she says sending them away during the interview was what got her the job.
Abby complains to Wyatt about the group when Julianne tells them she should get the group to dump her. She tries to act like a jerk at the next meeting, which leads to Julianne arriving and being their leader once again…this time selling scrunchies.
Abby thanks her and Julianne says she owed her for helping her when she was in prison….but they are not even close to being even as the episode comes to a close.