High Potential Recap for 2/4/2025
-A tech guy named Anson was poisoned to death on his private plane. It looks like the poison was in his champagne. I feel bad for his dog who was so scared on the turbulent flight.
-Morgan gets the kids ready for school while Ludo comes in with groceries. She leaves to go to the crime scene, leaving Ludo to hold down the fort.
-Morgan can tell Anson was in a fight prior to dying. She wants to go on the plane to pee, but the FBI agent Ronnie, who is an old rival of Adam’s won’t let her and makes Adam and his men step off.
-Ronnie and Adam used to be partners, but Adam won’t say anything more.
-Ronnie visits the precinct, causing Morgan to snark on him not having a visitors badge.
-Seeing Anson’s mom cry over his death is so heartbreaking.
-Anson’s team is questioned as toxicology tries to determine the makeup of the poison. Morgan also looks at the marks on his body to figure out where they came from.
-There was a window of time where no one knew where Anson was. Morgan also finds a flash drive made from a rival company. They check it out and everything in the precinct crashes.
-The person who planted the flash drive on Anson’s body is now the prime suspect while everyone tries to get things up and running again.
-Adam and Morgan go to the FBI offices to learn more about the case. Morgan, being Morgan tells everyone the case seems personal rather than over something work related.
-Simon Keating is the one who planted the flash drive into Anson’s pocket, making him the prime suspect. Simon claims he was trying to protect Anson by hacking him?
-The coroner van is blown up with Anson’s body inside….but at least the bomber had the decency to get the driver out of the car?
-There were no witnesses to the attack and Ronnie is upset about the turn of events. He and Adam fight, causing Oz and Daphne to defend Adam….and Selena to not let Ronnie push her around.
-Morgan reminds them a lot can happen in two hours and gives ideas on what could have happened. This only causes Adam and Ronnie to fight again, but they soon agree to come up with a deal and work together.
-Everyone works together to look at the FBI information. Morgan deep dives in, but Ronnie is not impressed. However, she refuses to give up. She keeps focusing on a man named Kenneth, whose daughter Julie died after misinformation was spread about her on Anson’s AI platform. He is off the grid except to put flowers on Julie’s grave. She notices he is wearing gloves in a picture at the cemetery two days before Anson’s death…and not in any other cemetery pictures. Morgan thinks that he put the flowers there so someone else can pick them up…wearing the gloves to protect himself.
-Morgan and Adam try to question Kenneth, but he runs away and jumps off a staircase, possibly killing himself.
-The video of Julie was only 31 seconds.
-Morgan says Kenneth is a butterfly, who have everything out in the open….which means everything he has out is important. There is no technology.
-Ronnie is mad that Kenneth is dead and blames Adam, who tells him they need to call a truce and find a way to work together.
-Adam finally tells Morgan that some dirty cops tried to take them down and caused evidence to be mismarked and him and Ronnie to get into trouble. This led to their rift.
-Adam looks at the pictures and thinks the marks could be from sex acts and not a fight.
-They connect Anson’s mystery meeting to a woman named Aria, who was trying to shut down Anson’s company….but may have seduced him instead.
-Elliott calls Morgan to say Ludo collapsed. Ava is trying to help him as Morgan tells them to call 911.
-Morgan goes home to Ludo, who says he got lightheaded and fainted. They have a heart to heart and hug.
-Elliott talks about how scary it was and that Ludo needs an MRI and echo. He and Morgan hug and have a heart to heart of their own.
-Aria is questioned by Ronnie, who uses art references to get information out of her. She admits to restraining him and how her earring poked him and then asks for a lawyer.
-They cannot connect Kenneth to anyone, but then a Louisa May Alcott book makes Morgan realize that Kenneth was working with Julie’s boyfriend, who was on Anson’s security team (wormed his way in). The poison was on the dog’s collar and Anson was poisoned when Anson cuddled with his dog.
-I feel bad for the poor dog. His collar was poisoned and killed his hooman! His hooman is DEAD!!! This poor dog is without his hooman!!!!
-Parker, the boyfriend, is now on the run. All eyes are on him as he tries to get on the private jet by holding the pilot hostage.
-As an aside, Parker reminds me of Brody Jenner.
-Everything is shut down thanks to the quick-thinking hackers and Parker is caught.
-Anson’s mom will keep his memory alive.
-Adam and Ronnie are besties again. Ronnie wants to be partners again, but Adam wants to stay with Morgan, his new partner.
-Everyone surprised Ludo with a taco dinner and his favorite TV show.