February 11, 2025
The Bachelor Recap for 2/3/2025The Bachelor Recap for 2/3/2025

THE BACHELOR - Ò2902Ó - Still on a high following night one, Grant and the women continue their journey for love in Los Angeles. With exciting dates that tap GrantÕs love of sports, music and playful energy, jealousy amongst the women leads to a tense cocktail party. MONDAY, FEB. 3 (8:00-10:01 p.m. EST) on ABC. (Disney/John Fleenor) MARIO

The Bachelor Recap for 2/3/2025


The Bachelor Recap for 2/3/2025

On last week’s episode of The Bachelor, Grant Ellis met twenty-five new suitors, seven of which he sent home. Linda the no drama llama spent some time with host Jesse Palmer. Her owner Alexe got the first impression rose and the first date. Alli Jo impressed with her pizza entrance, Juliana shared her cannoli, but Savannah was sent home with her wedding cake.


Confused? You won’t be at the end of this episode of The Bachelor.


The ladies toast to Grant and this new adventure. As they chat, Jesse meets them and teases Rebekah for holding Alexe’s rose. She says she is manifesting time with Grant.


Jesse says there are three dates this week, a one on one for Alexe and two group dates.


Beverly, Sarafiena, Alli Jo, Natalie, Parisa, Vicky, Chloie, Zoe, Juliana and Allyshia are on this date. The clue is ‘time to shoot your shot.’

Zoe and Alli Jo are planning on doing whatever it takes to get Grant’s attention.

The ladies meet with Grant at a gym to play basketball. They will be divided into teams and playing with a bunch of kids.

Cute kiddos Atticus and Journey will be the captains and lead them in warmups and show them how to play.

Natalie sits with a little girl who is not feeling well, and it is so sweet.

The ladies have a slam dunk competition. Zoe decides to forgo her shot and steal time with Grant….or shooting her shot in a whole different way. She takes him upstairs and the other ladies are not happy.

One of the little girls think that Zoe should be disqualified.

As an aside Alli Jo looks so much like Tiffani Theissen it is scary. Both are very beautiful women, but I cannot look at Alli Jo without thinking she looks like Tiffani.

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While Zoe and Grant talk, the other ladies complain. When they get back, Zoe says they lost track of time. Everyone, even the kids, are upset.

The slam dunk competition continues, but the mood is sour.

The ladies will break into teams and play a basketball game against each other. The MVP winner of this will get Grant’s letterman jacket. The winning team gets more time with Grant.

Zoe gets ultra-competitive, which upsets the other ladies.

The purple team wins!

Chloie wins MVP, the letterman jacket and a kiss from Grant. She also gets alone time with Grant.

The ladies are still annoyed at Zoe, but she continues to defend her actions.

Grant allowed all the ladies to go to the after party.

Grant tells Natalie that the kids, especially the little girl she helped, loved her….to the point where the little girl made her a special video.

Zoe knows the ladies are mad at her, but she continues to steal as much time as possible with Grant. The other ladies try and get their own time with him.

Grant massages Juliana’s hands because the game ruined her nails. They kiss and giggle…..and Zoe interrupts them.

Alli Jo is pissed and ready to go all Krystal and Alexis Carrington on Zoe’s ass.

Grant wants to know if he has an emotional connection with Zoe. She talks about the right people making her feel safe. He comforts her and promises her that she is safe with him. They make out because of course they do.

Alli Jo goes to get her own time with Grant. Zoe tells her to come back in a few minutes, but Alli Jo is like oh, hell no. Grant tells Zoe he will be right back, upsetting Zoe, who says there are no rules, and she can do what she wants.

Alli Jo talks to Grant and Zoe AGAIN steals time with Grant.  Alli Jo is about to flip a table right now. She goes to the other ladies and tells them what happened.

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Zoe finally returns to the ladies and Alli Jo is ready to stage a Jerry Springer re-enactment because she is sick of Zoe’s BS. Zoe still maintains that she did nothing wrong.

Natalie gets the group date rose.


Date 2:

Alexe is on this date. Parisa chases tarantulas and snarks on the fact that Alexe got the one on one, as you do when this happens in real life, apparently.

Linda is not on this date.

Grant and Alexe get a private date at the Beverly Center. I’ve been there before and loved it! They race around on toy dogs, jump on beds, rap on the loudspeaker and make ice cream sundaes. They basically do everything anyone who ever fantasizes about being in the mall alone would do. They also make out on one of the beds….as you do.

Grant also plays the piano for her because he is the Piano Man.

They talk about their lives and families as well as their careers. She talks about being raised by her grandparents and her strained relationship with her parents. He comforts her and tells her she will have her chance at having the family she always wanted.

She gets the rose. They dance and kiss to seal the deal.

Date 3: 

Dina, Bailey, Carolina, Ella, Rebekah, Litia and Rose are all on this date. Thank you, Reality Steve for this advanced information. You rock!

Before the date, Rebekah helps Dina with her hair and makeup, which is so cute.

Mario is on this date and has them all sing for Grant….but I cannot pay attention to any of it because….Mario….swoon….that man is incredibly sexy…..wow….what was I doing again? Now that you all know one of my celebrity crushes…..

Robin Antin, who created the Pussycat Dolls is also there to help the ladies find their inner sexiness and write their songs.

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The girls take turns singing and Grant loves every moment.

Carolina wins it all. She is thrilled, but the other girls are not as happy.

Grant spends time with the girls at the afterparty, even though some of them are moody because Carolina won the contest. He tells them all that they are amazing, he is thinking of them, kisses them, etc, etc, etc.

There is a lot of whining. I zoned out during ninety percent of this date.

Litia gets the group date rose and…I must have fallen asleep because I barely remember her even being on this date.


Cocktail party!

Everyone spends time trying to impress Grant. Nothing noteworthy,


Rose Ceremony:

Litia, Alexe and Natalie all have roses.

Juliana: cannoli girl.

Beverly: No idea, but her dress is fire.

Sarafiena: Seems sweet.

Carolina: Won the second group date contest.

Zoe: Stole time on first group date.

Dina: Lawyer.

Rose: The Rose she wants him to accept.

Bailey: Social media girl with cute haircut.

Parisa: Crystal girl, put her name on my list of future girls names.

Alli Jo: Pizza girl who looks like Tiffani Thiessen.


Final Rose Tonight:

Chloie: I don’t remember much about her, but she seems adorable.



Ella: No clue.

Allyshia: Got one of the first kisses.

Rebekah: Did hair and makeup for the girls.

Vicky: Vegas girl.


Is Linda ever going to make a return? Will The Count from Sesame Street ever announce the final rose tonight because no one except Jesse can count? Will Zoe keep stealing time with Grant? What drama is Carolina going to cause? Why the hell is everyone crying?

These questions and many others, will be answered on next week’s episode of The Bachelor!


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