Originally posted on May 5, 2020 @ 9:06 pm
Another day, another recipe! Today I went the simple route and made the Good Good Green Beans. I had initially intended to make the salmon, but life happened so I decided to do the KISS method when it came to doing a recipe tonight. For those of you not in the know, the KISS method is Keep It Simple Stupid. (The rest of my meal was beans and rice my SIL made.)
The green bean recipe is quite simple. All you do is boil some salted water, add your green beans (I made about a pound or so) and cook for 3-4 minutes, leaving them a bit crunchy.
Then you drain them and sauté in melted butter with lemon zest, salt and pepper for another 3-4 minutes. Simple, healthy and delicious.
The only thing I would do different is add more spices, only because I prefer my food a bit more seasoned.
More recipes coming soon, stay tuned.