February 11, 2025
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Recap for 1/15/2025

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF SALT LAKE CITY -- Season:5 -- Pictured: Lisa Barlow -- (Photo by: Koury Angelo/Bravo)

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Recap for 1/15/2025

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Recap for 1/15/2025

-It is the season finale of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City! It looks like this is going to be incredibly dramatic. Maybe not as dramatic as last year’s finale, but pretty close.

-Meredith has a scratched cornea, but is more worried about being mad at Heather for the blow-up last night. However, they do make up…for now.

-Heather hosts a special thank you lunch for Lisa….where they all dress as Lisa. Baby Gorgeous seems to like it, but snarks on Angie’s three year old Tom Ford pants.

-They all talk and act like Lisa and it is a bit creepy. The poor waiter is like WTF, I need a raise.

-Whitney hates this, but thinks she can be the fakest, cattiest bitch she can be. She even calls Lisa fake to her face and even says that is why she is wearing her tags on her clothes.

-That lunch lasted five minutes without a fight. Lisa and Whitney are giving Melissa and Teresa a run for their money.

-Lisa tells Whitney to take her wig off since she will never be her.

-Britani thinks Lisa is real, but Mary calls her out for being fake and for recording the women. Britani accuses Mary of also recording, which somehow causes Meredith and Britani to come to blows and Britani to storm off.

-Mary wants nothing to do with Britani and wonders why anyone would want to go after her since Britani hates her.

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-Ceviche making or horseback riding? Food wins out every time! I’m also allergic to horses, so there is that.

-The horses do not know how to cooperate. Mary is right, if Meredith can’t hear, getting on a horse is not a good idea.

-WTF is that feather outfit?

-Why is Mary ignoring Angie? Why is she so upset about Angie comforting Britani?

-Seeing Mary and Angie cry over this misunderstanding is so heartbreaking. I am crying with Mary as she talks about abandonment issues and her parents leaving her. I just want to hug them both.

-I am so glad Angie brought Mary sisterhood and that they were able to move past this.

-This he said/she said with Blog-Gate took a huge turn when Whitney accused Lisa of feeding information to Reality von Tease and then revealed that she reached out to Monica.

-Why is Whitney talking to Monica? Everyone is in shock and pissed. I can’t say I blame anyone.

-Okay, so Whitney reached out to Monica because of Blog-Gate and found out Lisa would talk to Reality von Tease. Lisa says this is a lie and there is literal finger pointing about who did and said what.

-Mary says that the ladies aren’t all that friendly, so she doesn’t blame Whitney for acting out of desperation.

-Heather goes into how they are all judged and they are not without fault. She says they should keep this space private and sacred. She wants to solve this problem by showing each other nasty texts they said about each other….because that is going to go over well….

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-Mary shows Heather her mean text…which says she never felt accepted or included by her and how she felt the fame went to her head. She became competitive and nasty, forgetting to remember those who helped her and are proud of her.

-Heather understands why Mary said this, and says she lost a lot despite her fame. She claims she is still grateful but now has a new sense of authenticity. Mary understands and they have a clean slate.

-Britani shares her text about how she’d rather have Bronwyn over for tea than Mary. No one cares.

-Bronwyn wrote how she doesn’t like how Britani parentified her kids and that she is embarrassed for her based on how she acts.

-Angie wrote that she thinks Bronwyn is a gold digger and the hot dog costume symbolizes how she sucked her way to the top…but she is nice.

-Heather wrote how Whitney is a snake, low life piece of shit who sold her soul for fame. They are good now.

-Whitney wrote that Lisa made out with another woman while jerking off John….all based off things she was told at a party. Lisa is PISSED. Justifiably so. The two of them are screaming at each other and try to get Angie and Shawn involved.

-This was such a stupid idea to clear the air.

-Now Lisa is accusing Shawn of doing circle jerks and Angie throws flowers at her.

-Some rando tries to calm Angie down…but she runs off and they all still fight.


Angie is spending time with her dad instead of her phone and Elektra is free to roam. Her salons are busier than ever but not offering high body count hair.

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Lisa and her family have been traveling around the world first class and cannot wait for Jack to come home. They are also building a new house.

Meredith is engaging more in her spirituality and selling bath bombs….and planning on coming out with recording devices.

Mary is helping Robert Jr with his recovery one day at a time and glad Jared stopped DMing her.

Bronwyn and Todd’s relationship has grown stronger, and Gwen has no plans to meet her grandparents. Also, no more couples’ trips.

Whitney is working on her business and keeping out of the drama with blogs. Justin is also not involved in any more drama.

Heather is working on another book rather than nasty texts.

-Reunion next week, stay tuned!

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