SPECIAL FORCES: WORLD’S TOUGHEST TEST: L-R: Christy Carlson Romano and Brody Jenner in the SPECIAL FORCES: WORLD’S TOUGHEST TEST episode "Panic and Trust" airing Wednesday, January 22 (8:00-10:00 PM ET /PT) on FOX. CR: Pete Dadds / FOX. ©2025 FOX MEDIA LLC.
Special Forces World’s Toughest Test Recap for 1/22/2025
The third week of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test on Fox opens with the final eight recruits starting day five of selection. Cam Newton continues to be a jokester even though he knows this is something he must take seriously.
Carey Hart says he is here to honor the veterans in his family
The staff calls everyone for their next task, which is facing their fear, sending them into the most brutal conditions of warfare. They must grab their gas masks and figure out how to work surrounded by dangerous chemicals.
Cam calms Kyla Pratt down as she panics.
The recruits go into the room, which is set up for a gas attack.
Alana Blanchard and Christy Carlson Romano are up first and must work together to find a critical laptop in the room. The staff has them remove their masks, which causes Alana to run out in panic, abandoning Christy and the mission. They fail. Despite this, Christy comforts her.
Alana goes off to the side and cries while everyone wonders if she will quit. Cam also calms her down.
Carey and Kyla go in together next. They are given a code to memorize before going in. They must also remove their masks and go in to retrieve the laptop. They struggle a bit but get the safe open and finish the task. They pass.
Brody Jenner and Kayla Nicole are up next. They fail because they cannot breathe or get into the safe. She gets herself sick.
Cam and Golden Tate go in together, but Cam goes the wrong way, causing the mission to be compromised and Golden to be left behind. They fail.
Everyone is freaking out as the staff yells about how pathetically they performed. They must do PT as punishment. Nobody is happy with this and complain on the way back to the barracks. The complaining continues as they eat. Cam is completely confused due to being told to take off the mask after being told to wear it. He feels disrespected.
The staff talks to Cam about where his mind was during the task and why he has an attitude. They think he had a breakdown and he explains how he felt played with the gas mask situation. This causes them to argue and Cam being told he was being selfish by leaving Golden behind.
After the meeting, Kyla gives him a pep talk to feel better.
It is time for the next task, where they must drive under pressure and positively ID and destroy an enemy target while under attack. Carey explains how he thinks it will work in order to prepare everyone.
The task begins and, with the help of the staff commanding them, each recruit must choose a building to target.
Golden is up first and fails.
One by one, the other recruits do the task. Alana, Kayla, Kyla, Brody and Christy all fail.
Carey and Cam pass.
Carey is brought in by the staff for questioning. They think he is holding back and want to learn more about him. He talks about being a professional motocross champion and the death of his brother in a motocross crash. This took a toll on him and his relationship with his father. This caused him to put his career on hold and put his family first.
When he gets back, he talks to everyone, and they tell him that he is a badass.
Alana is still struggling, so she talks to Christy about it.
The staff tell Kayla she is the duty recruit and must make sure everyone is prepared for the next mission.
The staff takes the recruits to a wildland for the most dangerous mission to date. Kyla is struggling and despite the staff helping her, she is told to pull it together.
This particular task has them jumping out of a helicopter and into the ocean, where they must swim as fast as they can back to the extraction vessel.
Kyla really needs to pass this task because she has failed every one of them so far. She also admits that she jokes when she is scared, which doesn’t help her case on the show. She panics on this one and disappears under the water. She then swims to the extraction vessels but misses it.
Christy passes!
One by one, everyone else does the task. It is hard to tell who passes or fails, but the staff wants to see how they bounce back.
Kayla is upset about this, but everyone comforts her.
Alana barely passes. The staff calls her in to talk about what happened with her mis-jump and emotions. She talks about how she witnessed her fellow surfer and friend Bethany Hamilton get attacked by a shark and have her arm ripped off. Alana’s dad actually helped save Bethany’s life.
The staff have the recruits do another task. They will do an obstacle course to prove who is there for the right reasons and putting in the effort. There will be hidden cameras monitored by the staff.
Kayla, Cam and Kyla failed and are brought into the interrogation room. Kyla admits to losing count on the burpees challenge. This is also where Kayla failed.
Everyone is trying to figure out what is going on and realize they were being filmed.
Kyla gets more and more frustrated.
Due to the three of them cutting corners, they must bury their teammates…literally. This causes several of them to freak out, especially Christy.
Finally the task is over and the recruits are brought back to the barracks. Kyla isn’t sure what to do because she is upset over this turn of events. Kayla can’t stop crying.
Cam asks if they think he cheated and denies he did such a thing. Kayla and Kyla are still upset and think they did the correct amount of burpees.
Kyla is called in to the interrogation room. She talks about her childhood and losing her father. They love how she keeps going despite failing at tasks. They want her to keep it up.
More next week, stay tuned!