SPECIAL FORCES: WORLD’S TOUGHEST TEST: L-R: Golden Tate, Landon Donovan, and Brody Jenner in the SPECIAL FORCES: WORLD’S TOUGHEST TEST episode "Terror and Brotherhood" airing Wednesday, January 15 (8:00-10:00 PM ET /PT) on FOX. CR: Pete Dadds / FOX. ©2025 FOX MEDIA LLC.
Special Forces World’s Toughest Test Recap for 1/15/2025
The second week of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test opens with the staff waking everyone up for the day. Trista Sutter is falling apart and crying, so Christy Carlson Romano tries to comfort her.
Everyone rushes to get ready. Marion Jones Thompson and Landon Donovan talk about their time in the Olympics and she talks about her time in prison.
Trista decides to voluntarily withdraw. The staff asks if anyone else wants to quit, but everyone wants to stay. Off they go to the next challenge.
Cam Newton wants to use this experience to find himself after football.
Jordyn Wieber is terrified of the next challenge, but her fellow celebrities are able to calm her down.
The challenge has them getting on a vessel as quickly as possible taking as much vital equipment as possible….all while water is rising. They must stay calm the entire time while making sure the boat doesn’t get submerged.
Kayla Nicole is up first. She has trouble seeing and fails the task. The staff tells her that her freak out caused her to fail.
One by one, everyone else goes, some passing and some failing, but it goes too fast to see who passed or failed, except for Kyla Pratt, who admitted to panicking and failed.
Everyone cheers Jordyn on as she prepares for the task despite being afraid of water. She ends up panicking and voluntary withdrawing.
Marion is the last to finish but fails due to incorrectly opening the box.
Marion seems to be mommying everyone, but they still talk about her doping scandal.
The staff talk to Marion about why she failed the task. She admits that despite being a hard worker, she sometimes makes quick decisions without thinking. They ask about her doping scandal and she explains what happened and how she lied about using performance enhancing drugs. She admits that she let everyone, including her mother and her children down.
The staff asks her why she is there and she says she wants to set a better example for her kids and move on from the scandal.
Golden Tate shows off his touchdown dances.
The next task is the fighting task where they are set up in pairs to fight.
Kayla and Marion fight first. Marion recalls being in solitary confinement while in prison after an incident with another inmate.
Kayla wins. Marion gets hurt and is checked out by the medic.
Brody Jenner and Carey Hart are up next.
Two by two the celebrities fight one another.
Cam is up against Nathan Adrian. After the fight, Cam meditates, while Nathan bleeds. He also needs to be assessed by medic.
Marion can’t even walk because her ribs are so injured.
Both Nathan and Marion must medically withdraw.
The staff talks to Cam and call him out on his attitude and his rage. They talk to him about holding something back and he opens up about going into another phase of his life and not knowing what to do since he is not making the money he once did.
Cam talks to everyone about his meeting with the staff, admitting that the whole thing was like a release.
The next morning, Golden reflects on how he is trying to find a new purpose in life.
Landon Donovan has rib pain due to the previous day’s task. It turns out he fractured ribs on both sides and must medically withdraw from the competition.
Everyone else gets ready for the next task while vowing to stick together. They are told that half the people have left, and that brotherhood is what saves the day.
They are divided into teams for the next task. Kyla is picked last, which really bums her out.
The next task is a boat task that will force them to rely on communication. They will do a boat race to a buoy and back, but not before they inflate said boat.
Brody talks about being athletic and a leader.
The whole task gets crazy on both sides. Everyone is struggling and the staff yells at them to keep going.
Brody is killing it leading his team!
They all must cover themselves in mud after failing the task.
Golden is not a happy bunny after this. He even apologizes for letting his team down.
Cam is also upset with how the task went.
Everyone talks about the results of the task as they eat and recover.
Golden is talked to by the staff. He explains his football career and how being a leader has changed since his career ended. He wants to know what it is like to be on his own without a team and admits he is depressed and just existing.
Everyone continues to encourage each other.
It is shower time, apparently.
Brody talks about growing up as the son of Caitlyn Jenner and how he wants to be a good father for his own little girl.
The weakest recruits have the chance to step up.
Christy talking about Cadet Kelly is bringing back serious childhood memories.
Now the teams must race with 500 pounds of stuff up a mountain. Each team pushes themselves to the limit to get to the top.
Christy talks about wanting approval as she tries to be a leader.
Brody talks about liking to be in control despite having a chaotic life in the past.
Team Bravo gets to the top first while Team Alpha struggles. The staff gives everyone the pros and cons of how they handled the task as they are sent back to the barracks.
Brody is brought in to talk to the staff. He talks about his party boy persona versus who he is now as a father and partner and gets into his childhood and being the son of Caitlyn Jenner. He felt abandoned and how moments of his life felt invasive because they were filmed. He is told he has potential to keep going and that they will peel back the layers.
Brody tells the others about the talk and everyone realizes who he is related to.
The staff says that what they are all going through now is brotherhood.
More next wek, stay tuned.