Night Court Recap for The Jakeout

Night Court Recap for The Jakeout

Night Court Recap for The Jakeout

Night Court opens with Julianne and Dan working on a case where a woman branded a man with a scarlet letter, with another woman helping via TaskRabbit. The second woman says this is her job and she does what she is told. Abby says that it’s time served and gives a warning.


Jake shows up and Abby asks about what he got her for their six-month anniversary. He didn’t know this was a thing and she says she is teasing. He says that he has never been in a relationship thing long before so isn’t sure of the rules.

After he leaves, everyone agrees it is weird.

Later on, Abby discusses it with Wyatt and Gurgs, leading them to discuss their relationship woes and agreeing to go on a stakeout/Jakeout.

Jake comes in to get water and says he wants to watch a game. She offers to go with him, but says no since there are celebrities involved, including Ariana Grande and Everybody Loves Raymond. Spoiler alert, not everyone loves him on the court.

Back in the courtroom, Abby asks Julianne and Dan where to get binoculars. Julianne talks about how to stalk, which leads to her bantering with Dan about their feelings for one another.

That night, Abby, Gurgs and Wyatt have their stakeout in Gurgs’s car over Chinese food. They see Jake get a bag out of his car and wonder what it is inside. Gurgs puts on goggles and sets off a smoke bomb in order to get the bag.

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She tells Wyatt to burn rubber once she is back in the car, but he is in the backseat. She drives off and they go back to the chambers to open the bag, which has an Abby blow up doll inside.

They all debate why he has the doll when Jake knocks on the door. He wonders why the door is locked and Abby quickly says that she is fighting off a dog. Wyatt and Gurgs bark and she says that there is only one dog and makes them throw the doll out the window.

They let Jake in and he sounds worried. He is also upset that his bag was stolen. Wyatt and Gurgs pretend to be upset and go to investigate.

Jake tells Abby that he is actually a male cheerleader and that the doll that was stolen was to practice lifts and throws. She is relieved and he is happy she isn’t freaking out.

Abby tells Wyatt and Gurgs about Jake as a cheerleader and they aren’t sure what to think.

Julianne shows Dan her sexy dress and he makes some comments about it that could be taken the wrong way. She says she is meeting a boyfriend and he doesn’t believe her until Rodrigo walks in and kisses her.

Dan isn’t sure how to react as they leave. Wyatt then walks in and he asks him where he was five minutes ago.

Abby and Jake practice cheerleading and she is super into it. He is thrilled and says he loves her. As they make out, she spots the (very destroyed) doll, which Wyatt and Gurgs just found.

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Dan hires Marge, the woman who was hired in the opening case to be his girlfriend to make Julianne jealous. He introduces her to Rodrigo and Julianne and they end up having dinner together, even though Julianne recognizes Marge as the TaskRabbit girl. Marge is happy to have dinner with them, but says she swallows things whole due to not being able to chew due to a gum condition.


Abby, Wyatt and Gurgs talk about the doll and what to do. Abby loves how her relationship is going now, but Wyatt and Gurgs think it is nuts. They take the doll to the morgue.


Julianne, Rodrigo, Marge and Dan have an awkward time together. Rodrigo talks about using a stethoscope with no shirt since he is a pediatric doctor, while Marge and Dan talk about their relationship. Marge then gets an alert for a task. She goes to kiss Dan, who refuses to, saying that once they start, they won’t stop.

Marge then realizes that the task is from Julianne, who wants her to do two things: say the relationship is fake and hang a flatscreen.

Jake and Abby talk about his cheerleading competition in Tampa when they catch Wyatt and Gurgs with the made over by the morgue doll.

Jake is upset with this and says he can no longer trust her. Abby tries to defend herself, but he breaks up with her.

Dan and Julianne talk about things and she admits her relationship with Rodrigo is very real. He is surprised since he thought he would go for someone under his skin and challenged her like him. He admits he is joking and leaves.

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Rodrigo comes in and says he needs the rest of his money, proving that he was a fake boyfriend after all. Julianne has him unzip her dress and they talk about the ruse, not knowing Dan is listening at the door. He walks away and sees Jake carrying the doll and says goodbye to him and Abby….not realizing it is the doll until he takes a second look….as the episode comes to a close.

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